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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Breaking News: Montgomery County Approves $15/hour Minimum Wage


  1. Typical Democrats. Can't wait to see a lot of kiosks put the Democrats out of work.

    Guess the ones that don't will be selling $15 hamburgers.

  2. Well, there goes all the jobs.

  3. Who manufactures the kiosks? I'm buying their stock!

  4. Need $20 min here on DelMarVa !!!

  5. Most people on DelMarVa cut grass and it pays better than Fast food. Besides, look to see just how many fast food choices we now have and compare their $8+ lunch to a REAL restaurant. Sunset Grill in W OC offers $6.99 lunch and you don't have to learn to use a kiosk. Granted, fast food offers (limited) employment opportunities for far fewer people that would like to earn $15/hr. The alternative is the kiosks which force me to park my car and order food myself. The drive up experience is being downgraded and I predict will eventually fade away in many places that now give you sub par food.

  6. Whats a county minimum wage?

    No really. Where does the over reach stop?
    The county?
    The city?
    My HOA?
    What if Bob Culver said he was gonna make the minimum wage $15 ? Hopefully he doesnt. But what about Mayor Lefty Day? Whats to stop that moron from doing this?

    When is the government going to get out of th lives of citizens? All they do is pass feel good legislation and increase restrictions and taxes.

  7. Montgomery County is another stab in the heart of first time, workers poor people who want to find a job or students who want to find a job. They have just destroyed the jobs for them. In about 2 years to 5 years the county will probably need some kind of bail out from the rest of the state who are trying to do the right thing.

  8. I am not sure comparing a winter special menu price in Ocean City is comparable to everyday lunch pricing on the rest of Delmarva. Many fast food sites still offer lunch for $5 and it’s fast and cheap when compared to sit down style locations, hence “fast food”.

    $15 wages will naturally raise food prices. Maybe even raise them at restaurants that pay servers next to nothing ie $3.63 per hour with the hope that customers give expected 20% tips. $15 per hour probably would seem like a good deal to some of these folks.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Need $20 min here on DelMarVa !!!

    November 7, 2017 at 7:37 PM

    Must be a Democrat.

  10. That's why it's so expensive to live in PG county

  11. This is a good thing...all the entitlement idiots over here on the shore will pack up and move to Montgomery county!!

  12. (insert song that was playing as the Titanic was going down)


  13. Good news for adjacent counties as businesses run for the county line.

    High cost area so many already make that level of pay; will just cause wage compression for them as burger flippers now make what folks with actual skills get paid. (And I realize that burger flippers is a bit of overstatement).

  14. The people this legislation was designed to appease don't work anyway. The Demoncrats just want their votes.

    Don't you people see this?

  15. $15.00 / Hr. IS a minimum wage to live and work in that very expensive county. It's like living in Hawaii. EVERYTHING, including taxes, is much more expensive in Montgomery County.

  16. You're poor as hell if you live in Montgomery County and only make $15.00 an hour.

  17. Poor as hell in Montgomery County, huh?
    Instead of moving or improving, they MUCH prefer to demand that someone else GIVE them something so their lives will be better.
    The democratic solution to everything --- take from productive citizens and give to nonproductive citizens (and non-citizens!).
    I commend them for HAVING a job, but shake my head at the idea that, at 30 years old, they think a McDonald's job is a career.
    Entropy marches forward.
    Keep cheering.


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