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Sunday, October 01, 2017

This Is What Actual Racism Looks Like : Warning Graphic Content


  1. Black lives matter? Yea right.

  2. It's getting closer and closer folks. Tick tock

    1. Yep there thug race war is coming and I can't WAIT.

  3. I was thinking of the child having to witness this f'n animal act out from it's savage heritage and was glad to see the child take a stand. But for the savage to attack the child shows "they" can not be domesticated.

  4. The only thing getting closer is a country with fewer and fewer white Christians. Not saying its a good thing or a bad thing, just a fact. Different faiths, immigration, inter-racial relations, and no faith at all. Young people embrace these changes, and that may be a good thing, since there is nothing that can be done about it.

  5. The socialist libs are getting it done. Divide, divide. Promote racism.

  6. Wow. That was disgusting! Tax dollars paid for the phone, will pay for dinner and pay for her free lawyer.

  7. These animals will grow up soon.
    Anyone who doesn't think they need to arm themselves - and soon - to protect their families is out of their minds.
    Just consider the way things have "progressed" over the years. I'm in my 60's, and here's how I've seen it:
    1950's and 60's: Homes were burglarized ONLY in the darkness of night and only when no one was at home.
    Now, it's home invasion. They just come in and take what they want.
    Car thefts: Only under the cover of night, back then. Now, carjacking at high noon in the middle of a crowded city.
    Cops: Then, some sort of respect or fear of a confrontation. Today, you just shoot the cop.
    Prison: Then, not where you really want to go. Today, it's a badge of honor to have served time.
    And now, all out physical confrontation with anyone that is white.
    I love America - not as much as I did - but still love my country. So it hurts me to say that I feel that this country is done.

  8. Tis the season!!!!!

  9. Unbelievable....and to hit someone else's child. She needs to get whats coming to her REGARDLESS of the circumstances!

    Not to mention the fools watching and the bigger fool taping it!

  10. there ancestors would be proud

  11. Just ask and they will tell you 'only white people can be racist'! Obama started all of this, race relations were better when I was in high school in the mid 70's then they are today. If blacks want and get separate housing and meeting rooms at federally funded colleges then they had better be ready to build separate housing and meeting rooms for ALL races for that would be equality.

  12. They will become more and more embolden but people will push back with a vengeance and starve them out.

  13. I don't know if I've ever killed anyone in the war I participated in years ago. I do know this , if I ever witness an event like this I would kill as many of these animals that I could , then I would reload again to ensure they were gone. I carry every day 24/7 , these humans don't deserve to live .

  14. Please tell me this savage has been identified and arrested for assault and child abuse!!

  15. Her name is Shania Bryant and she is 15 years old. It was said in the comments section of the page that the video is linked to.

  16. The white kid keeps saying she is sorry.... this is how the current generation is raising their kids. We have raised a whole generation that feels like they did something to deserve this. This Country is in trouble

  17. Why identify this kid? There are thousands just like this one right in our local school system.

  18. those ignorant pieces of sh*t need to all be arrested

  19. Exactly why I despise each and every one of them.

  20. They are some really bad-asses when its 5 against 1. SUPER tough.
    Looked like a pack of baboons stalking and attacking something, complete with the jungle sounds, too. And attack a little boy, too?
    I'm with 12:49....I carry all the time and would light ALL of them up. They would be unrecognizable.
    Black people complain about stereotypes and racism.
    Don't keep FULFILLING those stereotypes.
    And use Jury Nullification.
    Keep cheering.

  21. I keep seeing some calling for a race war and other such nonsense. I have just read about a race war in Tulsa OK back in 1921. 35 blocks of a prosperous black community, called Black Wallstreet, was leveled and people on both sides killed and injured.

    It seems to me, some think of a race war as some kind of romantic ....I don't know what. Cleansing? Revenge? I really don't know.

    The only thing certain is there will be deaths on both sides. Criminal acts from both sides. And all of them will have died in vain if things do not improve. It's too easy to kill each other versus live and let live.


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