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Sunday, October 01, 2017

A’s Bruce Maxwell first MLB player to kneel for anthem

A’s rookie catcher Bruce Maxwell, who earlier in the day profanely bashed President Trump on Instagram, became the first major-league player to kneel during the national anthem on Saturday before Oakland’s 1-0 win at the Coliseum.

“My decision had been coming for a long time,” Maxwell said, citing his own experiences with racism while growing up in Huntsville, Ala., which is where Trump on Friday made disparaging comments about NFL players who choose to kneel for the anthem. “The only way we can come together is by informing. ... To single out NFL players for doing this isn’t something we should be doing — I felt it should be a little more broad.”



  1. More for the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE !!!!!

  2. The cancer that should have been cut out when it was just Kapernick continues to grow...shameful.

  3. Well, there goes Major League baseball off my watch list! I love a good baseball game because it takes me away from all the war, politics, and bad news in the world, but now that's been ruined by this punk.

  4. And there goes baseball. I guess we'll all have to stick to horse racing since the horses are unlikely to sit during the national anthem.

  5. Do Politics ON THEIR OWN TIME Not GAMETIME !!!

  6. In sports doesn't taking a knee mean that you are giving up?

    Yeah racism exists. There is racism in all races against other races. It has been that way for thousands of years and will be here for thousands more. These clowns have been give the opportunity to make millions of dollars here in America. And we are nothing but a racist bunch of rednecks. Goodbye baseball you are no longer welcome in my house.

  7. Awwwww well I guess vi am Boycotting BB.

  8. If nascar starts this America is doomed

  9. CUT HIM.
    Make an example out of him.
    Let him serve some burgers for a living. No one pays these little b*****s to tell me us their political views.
    Make sure he never gets another at-bat.
    When did they start thinking anyone CARED about what they think?
    Run, hit, throw.
    That's the limit of my interest in you and THAT interest just took a significant dive....
    Keep cheering.

  10. Rather listen to this crapola than Trump bashing, Russia involvement with elections and how the "flamboyancy" of Anderson Cooper oozes on CNN. Yuck Yuck Yuck!

    THREE DAYS UNTIL TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I'm sorry, but if he as protesting our nation's symbols, then he needs to find another nation to be patriotic to.

  12. I quit watching baseball after the last strike.

  13. Why are baseball players oppressed? A majority of them are Cuban, Puerto Rican or Dominican. They wanted to get away from socialism and communism to come here to be free. Now they want to protest the only place that would provide a lifestyle like they have? Its absurd

  14. At least Colin has something to watch on Sundays while he is eating his wings.

  15. My wife is thanking the useless bunch of no good a$$e$.
    We are spending more time out of the house together instead of watching their useless mindless pieces of dirt.
    Oh well I really don't miss it.


  16. Jackie Robinson and Roy Campanella weep.

  17. THIS ELECTION HAS BROUGHT OUT ALL THE ANTI-AMERICANS ..... let's sweep them all in the trash can, and move on..

  18. Plain and simple....fire the player!
    He doesn't deserve to play or make all that money.
    He is there to play baseball, not look like the ignorant football players.

  19. Just a me-too looking for praise for an insulting, pointless gesture. It does, however, make me hope his career will be of short duration.


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