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Sunday, October 01, 2017

The Truth About Popular Culture


  1. And now we know what Barrie Tilghman is doing these days!

  2. This is so right on that it's scary. We're going down the rabbit hole. At the bottom is.... nothing.

  3. There is a deep state we know who they are in a nut shell by their religion but not the indivduals...Unmasking

  4. 3:54 every once in awhile on this blog I come across a comment that truly blows my mind. Congratulations friend, here is your participation trophy.

  5. Welcome to the Culture of Stupid. No knowledge of history, no respect for tradition, no idea of what behavior is acceptable, dismissing real achievement in favor of pop thought, all the time with intelligence taking a nosedive.

  6. this is the second video I've seen this week with the same narrator. He's great!! Would love to see more of him.

  7. Looks like a deep state of something could be in there.

  8. This Hollywood agenda is globalist in nature and instructions for it comes from the top down (ownership level). It is being done on purpose and with coordination. It is very powerful media and is very effective in its goal: to destroy our culture and induct us into a pagan culture of obscenity and debauchery.

  9. Uh, can I say that I recognize her?

  10. If I never see that photo again it'll be a good thing.

  11. Spoiled Rotton Brat ....and she ain't All That !!!!

  12. Most misguided youth do anything for attention. They try the shock value - just ignore unless they are harmful

  13. The world won't end because of this decadence. Just look at other cultures, the bacchanalia of Ancient Greece, the orgies of Rome and Greece, the a dark ages of Europe, the religious fanaticism of the popes and the list goes on of things that are not good for a society, yet somehow we are all here. Live your own life and don't worry what others are doing.

  14. Billy Ray must be so proud when he see's a picture like that.

  15. Killary should try this for pervy Bill.

  16. More TWERKING ???? Over Paid Brat !!

  17. Refuse to watch the crap. Has to be coming from that female subject. Nasty!

  18. She is about ten or fifteen years too old for Anthony Weiner.


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