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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Superintendent: Bible Verse on Student Memorial Bench Must Be Removed

A Virginia school district says that a Bible verse engraved on bench memorializing a deceased student must be removed because it is not legal.

Charlotte County School Superintendent Nancy Leonard said that the school board determined that the engraving on the bench was illegal because it violated the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause, which states that the government cannot “establish” a state-sponsored religion.

“We found that the memorial bench that we currently have is not legally compliant because of the Establishment Clause (in Constitution), because of the Bible verse,” Leonard told WAFF.

Leonard stresses that the push to remove the verse was not because of complaints from the community and stated that officials were just trying to follow the law.

More here


  1. actually the first amendment says
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    i see nothing violating this. by forcing its removal its a violation of free practice

  2. Not a religious bone and my body, and I cannot express how much I disagree with this. It is a biblical verse, but in no way promotes or forces religion. Would a quote from the Koran have to be removed? A quote by Edgar Allen Poe? It's a memorial, and should commemorate his life. If that's how he lived, than that's what it should say?

  3. I guess we now need to remove "In God We Trust" off of ALL our nations money! Liberals and radicals have lost their minds!

  4. This is insane --we must vote all liberals out of any office throughout our great country!

  5. It has been okay for over a year?

  6. 12:24 nails it. This bench in no way forces Congress to make one law or another, and to force its removal actually violates the Amendment's verbiage.


  7. And there was NO COMPLAINT-- just an administrator who wanted to 'follow the law' (which "law" is that?)

    This is just a liberal that decided to act on her own to remove the scripture from the bench. Period.

  8. liberals have their own language and definition of words which changes to fit their narative. And 12:24 has nailed it. Which board members are Constitutional lawyers?


  9. What idiots, through and through, are the Super and any Board members who voted this way. Equating a scriptural sentence to establishment of a state religion. Citizens should demand resignations.

  10. If this is what the man believed, then he should be honored by repeating his belief in his memorial.

  11. 1229
    You are correct.
    Of course.


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