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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

CNN Finally Proves Russian ‘Collusion’… with Black Lives Matter

At long last, we appear to finally have some proof that the Russians interfered in American democracy. Before some of you get too excited, there is still zero proof of any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. There is still zero proof the Russians in any way “hacked the 2016 election.” There is still zero proof the Russians changed a single vote in 2016.

According to CNN, though, what we do have proof of is that in late 2015 and early 2016, the Russians used Facebook ads to promote Black Lives Matter.

Moreover, the report also says that the Russians’ overall goal in Ferguson and Baltimore was pretty much the same as CNN’s overall goal in Ferguson and Baltimore — to stir up division and chaos.

Here is CNN’s own Wednesday night report (emphasis added):


  1. Occupy Democrats, The 98%, the 2 main hate meme generators are fake news propaganda sites sponsored by Russians.

  2. They used black lives matter as a wedge and drove it straight into the center of America. Well guys and girls, it worked. Look at us.

  3. Are you guys this stupid. It has long been reported that the russians and other groups had ads spreading garbage anti-Obama and dem news. And it is clear you clowns believed every one of these stories. LOL


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