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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

UK leader says the weight of immigration and the rise of Islam is ‘burying British culture’

THE weight of immigration and the rise of Islam is leading to British culture being “buried”, according to Ukip’s new leader.

Henry Bolton said there is a concern amongst people that their way of life is being “pushed aside”, and vowed to “address it” as he spoke to The Sun a day after his shock election.

The 54-year-old ex-Army officer had said he wanted to move the party away from focusing on Islam after their manifesto earlier this year contained an "integration agenda" which was almost entirely about Muslims.

And the issue had been brought back to the fore when the controversial anti-Islam campaigner Anne-Marie Waters was the favourite to win the leadership election.

Mr Bolton, who pushed her into second place yesterday, signalled a softening stance on the issue when he spoke to the media, saying he had a “broad platform” and wanted to “move away from the focus on Islam”.

But he swung the focus right back to the religion this morning, when asked if he stood by his comments during the campaign that he was proud of “fighting Islam”.



  1. This is true....my nephew fled England to come back to the states leaving a great job because he felt that he and his wife and children were targets as Americans that stood out in London.

  2. Offer them a spot of tea and a crumpet. What the hell did you expect?

  3. Warnings don't help anybody.
    Do you actually believe the PEOPLE of Britain chose this debacle?

    They are no different from American People.
    We have zero control of the US government.
    It is a rogue criminal syndicate that extorts money from me and you (and everybody else).
    It attacks other nations without cause, and destroys entire civilizations.

    It is evil and should be avoided at all costs.


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