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Friday, October 27, 2017

New Book: Clinton Campaign Came Up With Blame Russia Narrative 24 Hours After Hillary’s Loss

So as it turns out, there may not be anything behind the “Russia thing” outside of a sore loser in the Presidential race.

Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign formulated the Russia collusion story a mere 24 hours after Trump’s win was announced. While this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been following the story (or lack thereof,) it is worth noting that the media has been running with a fake news story that was created by a scorned woman. (Anyone who has had to deal with a salty ex knows this feeling.)

The new book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign” reveals that the loser decided to blame her loss not on her own incompetence or corruption, but on Russia. (Ironic, considering her complete willingness to accept bribes from the country.)

Excerpts from the book reveal how quickly the abject lie was created by a woman who simply couldn’t accept the fact that more a larger part of America wanted Donald Trump as President over her.


1 comment:

  1. With all of the deaths that surround Hillary,could she possibly not be as corrupt as we all think she is?


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