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Friday, October 27, 2017

Tillerson Tries to Centralize State Dept. Decision-Making

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in the process of centralizing power within the State Department that essentially boxes out veteran [career] diplomats, Politico reported.

A leaked document obtained by Politico shows a decision-making process that bubbles up power to an inner circle of senior aides to Tillerson over a bottom-up approach to a wider group of diplomats.

Those career staffers are wary of the approach that gives aide Brian Hook - not confirmed by the Senate - and the Policy Planning Staff an unusual amount of power and influence, Politico reported.

"This says to me that they are developing a new foreign policy structure that is designed to largely ignore those who know these regions and who know these issues," Brett Bruen, a former State Department official under President George W. Bush, told Politico.

More here


  1. Here it is, the erosion of democracy. Although lets face it we've always been more of an oligarchy anyway.

  2. oligarchy - nah, upcoming fluster cluck - yes!

  3. It's called draining thswamp.


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