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Friday, October 27, 2017

Trump drags Confederate statue fight into VA governor race

President Donald Trump endorsed the Republican candidate for governor of Virginia on Thursday, injecting the long-simmering issue of preserving statues of Confederate war heroes.

'Ed Gillespie will turn the really bad Virginia economy #'s around, and fast. Strong on crime, he might even save our great statues/heritage!' Trump tweeted.

He added a swipe at Gillespie's Democratic opponent Ralph Northam, saying that he 'doesn't even show up to meetings/work, and will be VERY weak on crime!'

The Gillespie campaign has branded the Democrat, Virginia's sitting lieutenant governor, 'No-show Northam' for his habit of skipping board meetings of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

Trump's decision to weigh in on the 'statues' and 'heritage' controversy threatens to reopen an embarrassing nationwide chapter in his short White House tenure.


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