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Sunday, October 15, 2017

He Couldn’t Believe How Much More Food The Person Behind Him Was Buying With Food Stamps

While shopping for his weekly groceries, a man noticed something strange. The person in line behind him had so much more food than him, yet they were not paying for the groceries with their own money. Instead, they were relying on government benefits to provide food for their family. Angered that this person was getting a better deal than him despite his efforts to work hard, he snapped a picture comparing the contents of his grocery cart against the other EBT person’s cart. Then he shared the images on Facebook and the post quickly went viral.

Patrick Gibson is just like a lot of other Americans. He has his head down and works hard to provide for his family. He doesn’t like to take handouts and as a result, he has to work long hours at difficult jobs.

But when he saw someone shopping at his local grocery store with a cart loaded with extravagant items, he couldn’t help but be envious. But when he saw how they were paying – with their food stamp card – he felt cheated. Why was this person getting benefits when he wasn’t? Why did he have to work for his food while this person got a check from the government every month? He didn’t think it was fair especially because he said they were buying “such items like steak and some other very nice choices of food.”

Gibson on the other hand was purchasing fruit and diapers for his children. Gibson’s posted continues as follows:



  1. If only the food stamp program helped families who legit need it. Instead, it's a huge, corrupted monster with no oversight and people who remain on public assistance for generations!!!!

  2. I see it everyday and I am to say the least happy about it.

  3. We all have had the experience - cashier tells shopper with basket full that alcohol can,t be purchased: he asked if she can take a hundred dollar bill , after which he pulls out a roll of hundred dollar bills and pays her.

  4. If you have 2 arms and 2 legs get to Fn work.

  5. What is left out of this story - a man works long hours at difficult jobs, but can barely afford to buy groceries?

    I get it, people taking advantage of the system.... but who is talking about a man who works, as this says, long hours at difficult jobs... who is taking advantage of this man?

    Wages continue to be obscenely low. While CEO's and heads of companies and boards get richer, the poor keep getting poorer.

    Our focus is in the WRONG direction. If there were better wages, there would be no incentive to stay on food stamps.

    So to fix this issue, we need two fold... remove welfare benefits, and work to raise wages.

  6. This rip-off has been going on for years. I was a cashier for Safeway over 30 years ago and witnessed similar types of abuse. The majority of users are legit, but it only takes a few abusers to piss us off.
    I hate it when I see them at the seafood store. I'm doing pretty well but have to make an economic decision to buy crabs, fresh fish, shrimp, etc. because it's so expensive. Then, the lady next to me pulls out her EBT card and doesn't even blink or think about what it costs. It happens ALL THE TIME.
    When is this going to stop? Why can't we get a panel of nutritionists for each state or region and make a list of what they can buy with EBT or food stamps. Make it more like WIC.

  7. no mention of cell phones nails hairdo wigs better car, or even mention rent electricity health care and all the other freebies the rest of us have to pay for?
    Aint amerika grand? NOT!!

  8. All the time at WALMART

  9. They should have to eat Vegan Military MRE's.

  10. If you’re a person of color and work you get preferential treatment. You get hired or promoted over an an equally qualified white co-worker because of affermative action. Short of doing anything criminal you will likely never be fired for fear of a lawsuit.

    If you’re a person of color and you don’t work, you pay little or nothing for housing, utilities, food , cellphones, healthcare or to dress, feed and educate your kids.

    So explain to me again where all this racial inequality is that’s the cause of so many protests, because I’m working my a$$ off and I get nothing for free.

    Really.....explain it to me.
    You have my undivided attention.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you’re a person of color and work you get preferential treatment. You get hired or promoted over an an equally qualified white co-worker because of affermative action. Short of doing anything criminal you will likely never be fired for fear of a lawsuit.

    If you’re a person of color and you don’t work, you pay little or nothing for housing, utilities, food , cellphones, healthcare or to dress, feed and educate your kids.

    So explain to me again where all this racial inequality is that’s the cause of so many protests, because I’m working my a$$ off and I get nothing for free.

    Really.....explain it to me.
    You have my undivided attention.

    October 11, 2017 at 4:56 PM

    Well, I'm white and I have been to job interviews and a black person was there too for the same job. They chose me simply because I was white. Another time I was working in a factory and they wanted to get rid of the union packer who was black. So they called me back before him, gave me a pittance of a raise and gave me his job.

    The point is, these types of things have been going on forever. Now it is turning around to the black person's favor. Karma. What goes around....

    I noticed it way back then when it happened and it made me feel like crap, but I needed the job so I contributed to the injustice.

    People who act like they are outraged and treated unfairly because of the way blacks are treated now are lying. They know just as well as I do what happened to blacks in the workplace.

    Right is right and wrong is wrong.

    1. Not lying. I worked for the Federal Government for 40 years. The supervisors we're afraid of blacks so they got special treatment. They could do no wrong. Call in personal day off. Government doesn't have personal days to use. Leave early and say nothing to boss. Ok. Call co-worker F this and you know. Ok nothing done. It goes on and on. Let white employees get to work 10 minutes late and you are called on the carpet. Blacks need to move on. They are not slaves. We don't have to support them because generations before we're.

  12. Detest this kind of propaganda.

    When I graduated from High School I could easily make the payment on my father's house from a week's paycheck. I could easily buy food for a family with a wife not needing to work. Easily buy a car and put gas in it. All at minimum wage, easily picking up a dozen hours of overtime a week at time and a half.

    This is the real problem. Now the pay stinks. The rent is way, way higher. Now husband and wife must work even longer hours.

    Yet what do we see. Story after story like this garbage. Blaming the poor instead of the low pay and high rent.

    Everything in America has become a nightmare. American dream is long ago gone. Now it is just an American nightmare.

    By the way those food stamps are a whole lot harder to get than is made out. First of all diapers not paid for with them. Secondly the grapes and other fruit you are allowed once a month, a special benefit. Thirdly your wages are held against your foodstamps. Meaning if you make two dollars more you lose a dollar or more of food stamps.

    What people sometimes see if food stamp fraud. People with false identities to get food stamps. Far too little is done to stop this as illegal identities are encouraged so employers can depress wages with illegals. In other words the Government encourages Food Stamp fraud to a degree.

  13. I used to look down on people that resorted to food stamps. Now I see it as a way to get a little bit of my money back before the Government gives it all away to our degenerates and infiltrators. I see it as a way to get a refund from the oppressive useless taxes I've paid over the years. I made darn sure I "qualified" too.

  14. October 11, 2017 at 7:16 PM

    you must be new here. man, don't ya know you can't use facts with these people?

  15. if they would give them to me I sure as hell would take them. have you seen the price of food lately

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I used to look down on people that resorted to food stamps. Now I see it as a way to get a little bit of my money back before the Government gives it all away to our degenerates and infiltrators. I see it as a way to get a refund from the oppressive useless taxes I've paid over the years. I made darn sure I "qualified" too.

    October 11, 2017 at 8:17 PM

    congratulations, you just became part of the problem


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