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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Donald Trump: ‘I Think I Know’ Republican Who Funded 'Fake' Russia Dossier

President Donald Trump hinted he knew the name of the mysterious Republican donor who kicked off the Fusion GPS investigation of the fake Russia dossier that was widely spread around political and media circles.

“I think I would know but I won’t say,” Trump said in response to questions from reporters at the White House, “If I were to guess, I have one name in mind.”

He made his remarks to reporters prior to leaving the White House for his trip to Dallas Texas

The president indicated that the name would surface as part of an ongoing court case surrounding the deal.

Trump said that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats finally came clean about the dossier in response to an investigation about the details about it.

“Hillary Clinton always denied it, the Democrats always denied it, and now only because it’s going to come out in a court case they said, ‘Yes, they did it,” he said.

Trump said that it was sad that politics had become so vicious, calling the dossier “fake” and “made up.”



  1. If I had to guess....his initials are John McCain.

  2. Wonder if he's from Arizona?

  3. My guess is Jeb Bush.

  4. I think you are right about John "Traitor" McCain

  5. Now it's come out it was 2 different things. The Republican research ended in Apr 2016. The democrat contract to Christopher Steele to create the dossier came in June 2016.


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