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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Actor backs actress' story she was assaulted by Bush Sr.

An actor who was pictured next to the woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by George H. W. Bush from his wheelchair has backed her story.

Heather Lind, 34, who starred in AMC's series 'Turn: Washington's Spies', alleged on social media that the 93-year-old former president had grabbed her from behind during the photo shoot at a private screening of the series premiere in March 2014.

Now her costar Kevin McNally, who was stood next to Lind in the photograph, has confirmed her claims.

'My full support for @heatherglind for speaking out about the horrible event in Houston. All of which is true,' tweeted the Pirates of the Caribbean star on Wednesday.



  1. Good for him! He's 93 years old, knows what he wants, doesn't deny it, and what is there to do.. jail him?

  2. it is like a feeding frenzy out there. watch out

  3. I agree with 3:08. He's 93, he got shot down in WWII, he's served his country, leave him alone.

  4. 308
    You obviously don't know about the pedophilia activities of the POTUS (all of them) and Mr. Bush's crimes in particular.
    This is serious business and the people who are selected to rule over us are all extremely compromised individuals.
    That is how the bankers are able to control them.

  5. Got Skull and Bones?

  6. Good Lord! The man's 93 and senile. So he grabbed her hiney. Big deal. I'm sorry, but that doesn't rise to the level of "sexual assault" three years later. She must be a democrat, or put up to making the claim by a democrat, to try and take the spotlight away from that movie producer that is Hillary's friend.

  7. Go into any Fng nursing home and watch the men and women grab you all the time and they are much younger than 93. Obviously he is senile or he would be smart enough to deny everything.

    Give it a break you damn Libtards. If you want to attack a past president who knew what he was doing go after Bill and Hillary Clinton!

  8. Can you all say Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? The Liberals are barking up the wrong tree.

  9. I find this very sad. This man has had a distinguished career and now this? Some on the left are out of control and are truly destroying this country. Even Andrea Mitchell thinks this is ridiculous!

  10. Much ado about nothing.

  11. JoeAlbero said...
    Can you all say Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? The Liberals are barking up the wrong tree.

    October 26, 2017 at 4:51 PM

    Absolutely they are barking up the wrong tree. First there is no evidence he did anything wrong and second he has always been a kind and respectable gentleman. He probably should be in a nursing home and he has evidence of Alzhimers Disease so he doesn't really know what is going on and he was kind enough to apologize for something because he is a gentleman.

    He he did what he is accused of it's because he is old and senile. He didn't try to seduce her, his wife was there for God's Sake and he couldn't get a wood if he swallowed an entire bottle of Viagra.

    Give it a break you idiots, you are so desperate to deflect on the perverts and pedophiles of your own Party that you will do anything to ruin the reputation of a good President who is now old and senile.

  12. He is too old for prison , so he Got away with it !!!!
    Quit wining ..........


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