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Thursday, October 26, 2017

'Ruled Out': GOP Amnesty Plan Excludes E-Verify, Allowing Employers to Continue Hiring Illegal Aliens

Senate Republicans crafting legislation to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens have entirely “ruled out” including the popular initiative to mandate that employers use E-Verify, a system that weeds out illegal aliens from taking American jobs.

As Breitbart News reported, the group of GOP senators is seeking to give permanent amnesty to an estimated 800,000 to 3.3 million eligible illegal aliens, the majority of which are shielded from deportation by the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

At the same time, a major pro-American immigration priority for President Trump’s administration, mandatory E-Verify — which prevents employers from hiring illegal aliens by forcing them to check each workers’ immigration status — has been totally excluded from any amnesty plan by the Senate Republicans.



  1. And they wonder why we want to replace them!

  2. 2:03PM: No one wants to replace them, not one bit!!! You all show this by the way you vote, and who you vote for... You people think voting repub will make a difference over the dems yet proof has slapped you all in the face and you still can't see it... Also, You people fail to realize that ALL politicians, old, new or first time politicians who came from a different field are all the same and in the end will all be the same if not at the beginning...

    You people are just to damn stupid to see that your vote doesn't count and anyone who tells you it does is a damn fool and will just prove my point even more... Your choice of vote is based on someone else, aka the electoral college who puts two candidates in front of you to pick from, so sure out of those two, you have a choice, but 99% of the time, the electoral college picks someone from each side whom they know will be an establishment politician and will put them in front of you, and either way, repub or dem, they get who and what they want... Just so you know, evil is still evil even if one is less evil...

    Look at your so called god of a president, each and every day, he shows you more and more how he is becoming a politician himself, and how is is doing what the establishment wants... Also touching on subjects no one gives two shits about and never fixing or touching the most problematic subjects...

    Look at what he said, within first 100 days he would do something about gun control, has he? NO... He said he would have a border wall, is it up or being built? NO... He said he would stop illegal immigrants, has he? NO... He said he would so called drain the proverbial swamp, has he? NO...

    When the hell are you clowns going to see this fact, and help us really effect change in this country???? Instead of bitching and complaining about how you did nothing, you do nothing, how someone else didn't do it for you, when you are more than capable...


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