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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Local school bus

Joe, I just received a call from a person in reference to a school bus owned by the BOE this am on Rt. 50 West bound running over 65 mph ran 4 or 5 vehicles off the road. then before the bus got to Mardela 5 cops and people from the boe was there. Thought you might be interested.


  1. If BOE and the law was on the scene I don't need to know.

  2. Can't verify but if you knew what was going on on that bus she would have had SWAT team there .I understand concern though and safety is number one priority the children on that bus need protection as well as the people that are driving up and down the highways I believe it was brought to the school in order for it to be a control situation instead of on the road and the dangers involved with unloading children on route 50 as you can see I'm sure before 430 this afternoon Joe will have the detailed information and when it is delivered to him he will respectively share it with all of us as he sees fit .this is an ongoing situation and is being handled by the Board of Education

  3. Surprising with the caliber of drivers they hire. I have CDL A with endorsements but they will not accept them because I have not gone through the School Bus training and would have to get a CDL B learners permit and take driving test. I have more miles under my belt than any 10 of these School Bus drivers from Tractor Trailers to Transit Buses.

  4. 2:57 it does not mean you have the ability or knowledge to drive a Bus full of children without Seatbelts! Just saying!

  5. I would rather have 2:57 driving my children with those credentials than someone fresh out of WorWic's truck driving program. At least someone with that knowledge has seen and reacted to incidents than someone that "I guess I should do this" and stresses with my children's life might be in danger.

  6. School bus contractors have always been a joke around here. Back in the day land holding farmers with local school board connections got the contracts and wrote the bus off as farm machinery. They would get off the tractor at 2pm in their dusty overalls and drive the bus or their wives would or some hired house wives. I remember one that use to take the seats out of the bus and haul pigs in it. They did give out candy at Christmas and Ice Cream sandwiches on the last day of school. It must have been lucrative. Oh and they would slam on the emergency break.....kids,books and all whiplashed and on the floor and come up the isle and beat you with a rolled up newspaper if your were being stupid and this was the long not the short bus mind you. They never did anything dangerous driving though. These were the children of people you knew or went to church with or were likely related too. Back in the day when the children of the community were everyone's and looked out for.

  7. @6:43, our driver used a fly swatter. Lol


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