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Sunday, October 01, 2017


America is experiencing a diversity and inclusion conundrum—which, in historical terms, has not necessarily been a good thing.

Communities are tearing themselves apart over the statues of long-dead Confederate generals.

Controversy rages over which slogan—“Black Lives Matter” or “All Lives Matter”—is truly racist.

Antifa street thugs clash with white supremacists in a major American city.

Americans argue over whether the USC equine mascot “Traveler” is racist, given the resemblance of the horse’s name to Robert E. Lee’s mount “Traveller.”

Amid all this turmoil, we forget that diversity was always considered a liability in the history of nations—not an asset.

Ancient Greece’s numerous enemies eventually overran the 1,500 city-states because the Greeks were never able to sublimate their parochial, tribal, and ethnic differences to unify under a common Hellenism.



  1. blame OBAMA FOR THIS bc it was done on purpose to START a civil race war .

    1. Just take away the EBT cards.....they will beg for forgivness....than make em get a job....race war cancelled

  2. Diversity does not promote unity. Thanks to Democrats, Soros, Bloomberg, Clinton, Obama and the "shadow government".

  3. We won the election. After the hurricane in Texas, I am getting licensed to carry. Let the Left come to my door looking for trouble. America is being attacked by the wealthy liberals who preach that the everyone else are the poison. Not on my 2 acres!

  4. Somebody (!!) decide once and for all what diversity really is, because it's like herding cats with everyone claiming a place based on whatever they choose as a definition.

  5. Lame Stream media is to blame. 24/7 hatred because someone LOST the election. Come'on man - its no longer about the RATINGS NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC.

    This nation needs to be united and work the MANY issues at hand. That means you CONgress! Parties better take a good look back at home because people now want ACTION, not double speak, not years of the same ol same ol.

  6. To answer the ? : YEP!

  7. It's no worse than with Obama. We just excepted the results, not like the left that just can't believe they lost.Give it up losers.

  8. The so-called race war or race problem is completely manufactured.
    I know nobody who is racist these days.
    Why would anyone be racist now a days?

    Most of us have real friends of another race from our own.
    Many of us have family members who are of a different race.

    The media is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
    Don't let them do it.
    Ignore all of it.
    it is silly.

  9. SOME of us accepted the results. The rest of us hoped for a return to normal after BHO left town.

  10. The civil race war is coming and thugs and snowflakes be on notice.?

  11. Replies
    1. *unum. -sorry. Thevphone did that, not me

  12. Forced diversity in hiring is killing the morale of the workforce.
    Most of us are disgusted at some of our coworkers hired to fill a quota on the red-yellow-black-and-white report...that can't do the job, are too lazy to do the job, or too stupid to understand the job!

  13. 700am - forced diversity has KILLED the workforce, plain and simply.

    No longer having the true ability to hire the best qualified has destroyed everything gov't related.

    It has trickled down to private industry too!

  14. 0bama clearly responsible for the downward turn since 2008. Now all the a$$hat liberals are coming out and crying about Trump being divisive when their darling little resentful racist minded 0bama was reeking havoc restarting the race war. And yes for you liberal trolls, 0bama is a racist suck it up and deal with it!!

  15. No, but forced diversity for sure.

  16. Take Away Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination) and
    All the Wining over Diversity and Culture will Cease !!!!

    This will Level the playing field !!!

  17. of course it is diversity means to divide

  18. What is a civil race war? And what is civil about any war?


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