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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Trump says classified files on JFK assassination will be released Thursday

President Trump announced on Twitter that the classified files on the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy will finally be released Thursday.

“The long anticipated release of the #JFKFiles will take place tomorrow,” Trump tweeted Wednesday. “So interesting!”
Trump arrived Wednesday afternoon in Dallas, where he received a briefing on Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts.

The move to release classified files could shed light on a tragedy that has stirred conspiracy theories for decades.

The National Archives has until Oct. 26 to disclose the remaining thousands of never-seen government documents on the 1963 assassination.



  1. Don't hold you breath for any TRUTH to be revealed in the JFK assassination.
    Both JFK and Lincoln challenged the banking system and suffered for their trouble.

    I suspect intelligence operation is responsible for both deaths.
    The government will never reveal the truth.

  2. I'll believe it when I see it.
    Many Believe LBJ was involved along with others in our U.S. government. I have serious doubts that was is released to us will be much different than the original Warren report on the shooting.

  3. I would like to see Obama's sealed info. College grades citizenship etc


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