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Friday, September 29, 2017

"There's A Time For War": Bannon Vows Full Assault On Republican Establishment

Following Roy Moore's decisive win in Alabama earlier this week (something we covered here), Steve Bannon has predictably seized on the momentum vowing that it is only the beginning of his "war" against the Republican establishment. Per McClatchy:

“There’s a time and season for everything under heaven. And sometimes there’s a time for peace. And sometimes there’s a time for war,” he told a raucous, religious revival-style crowd packed into a barn.

“Yeah!” a woman yelled back.

“We’re not going to hug out our differences,” he continued. “We’re going to have to fight for our differences.”

With several seats opening up in the Senate in 2018, including Senator Bob Corker's of Tennessee who recently announced his retirement, conservatives see no reason why they can't beat out establishment Senators across the deep south.

The hard-right’s fight for total control of Donald Trump's Washington is just getting started.

The victory of deeply conservative candidate Roy Moore in Tuesday’s hotly contested Alabama Senate primary has emboldened activists and potential candidates alike, threatening to set off a wave of tough GOP races and ushering in a new era of internecine Republican warfare that party leaders had hoped would end when they won control of the government.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that this is going to be a determining factor for a lot of Deep South states, no question,” said Mississippi State Sen. Chris McDaniel, who lost a hugely controversial primary contest against Sen. Thad Cochran in 2014 but is considering another Senate primary run in 2018. “If Alabama can send a true conservative to Washington, and Texas can send a true conservative to Washington, so can Mississippi and Tennessee and Florida and other states.”



  1. The months leading up to November 2018 are going to be painful to watch.

  2. Tell him Get the Demon-crat Establishment Also !!!!
    Take OUT Both these REGIMES !!!


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