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Friday, September 29, 2017

Trump: The NFL Has To Change Or ‘Their Business Is Going To Go To Hell’

Donald Trump is standing firm against the NFL and its tolerance of players kneeling during the national anthem, saying Wednesday that if it continues the NFL’s business is “going to go to hell.”

Before boarding Marine One at the White House on Wednesday, Trump stopped to speak with reporters and again addressed the national anthem protests that have happened across the NFL.



  1. GOOD President !!! Some Balls !! Some BAckbone !!!!

  2. It will Go to Hell,if more White players are not allowed in
    and get rid of these Racist ,spoiled Black players !!....
    Ratio should be @ 50/50 or Outlaw the games !!!

    1. Yes ! Sweet one. Yes ! Get equals Pay (hike hike)

  3. While I am still watching I am not watching as many games or full games as I did before. Nor am I buying any NFL gear.

  4. Whites should Stay home from the games, then we will see
    who Pays the $$$$ to these teams and Racist Players !!!

  5. 10:55 AM Whatever. Whats the point then?

  6. It's just like the baseball strike several years ago. I now think baseball has never totally recovered from this strike in fan base. I think the fan backlash will be worse and they will loose a lot of revenue. I quit going to the Ravens and Redskins games years ago, because I could not see myself paying fifty or more for a ticket plus parking and concessions.
    For a family of four, this is unreasonable. They have made it clear that whites and law enforcement are not welcome, so I will vote as before with my wallet and not support them period. I'll skip the superbowl party this year. I'll have a bonfire instead and have a superbowl burning party, burning all the sports memorabilia!

  7. Kneel. Kneel. No (). Did they Think ,? Action speak > Words. ! NfL gone Sun Days now Soccer ?. Too tired. What They Said . Flags. Good bye

  8. Switch to college and Canadian football.

  9. Too late. The NFL is now Toast...

  10. Lots of gear burning parties this weekend! And our local VFW has put out a radio ad telling Sunday'd potential customers there will be no NFL on their TV's. I hope they have twice their regular crowd!


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