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Friday, September 29, 2017

Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines

President Trump is preparing an executive order to allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines, a reform conservatives have long championed as a way to bring costs down and stir greater competition in the national marketplace.

The executive action gives the White House a chance to follow through on at least one promise related to healthcare reform, after Senate Republicans' second attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare failed this week. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul first mentioned the action during a TV appearance Wednesday morning, saying Trump was considering taking matters into his own hands.

More here


  1. You do this, you solve 85% of the health care problem.

  2. Why not? We can pick whatever homeowners/auto we what so why does a state bureaucrats have to give approval for a health insurance company to sell in their state. It's all about lobbyists and the companies wining and dining state officials.

  3. can he legally do this?

  4. Wish this headline was real!

  5. @10:31 if Obama can sign an executive order protecting every illegal immigrants child that is still here in America illegally, then why would it be ILLEGAL TO DO SOMETHING THAT WOULD ACTUALLY HELP AMERICANS????

  6. Obama did anything he damn well pleased by executive order, so my President can too.

  7. Obama opened the flood gates with his executive orders thinking ole hill would continue in his footsteps. LOL Now the shoe is on the Republicans feet and they had better get in lock step with Trump or they will LOSE. MAGA

  8. Should have done this on day one and he would have a lot more leverage for a new law.


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