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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Selfie Centered

When it comes to the American Legion, VFW, Moose Lodge and others, Mayor Jake Day is proposing the elimination of any and all coin operated gambling machines within the city limits unless you file for a City permit and are approved. Don't believe me, GO HERE and look it up yourself. Go to page 119.


  1. I guess that this oaf doesn't realize that the monies generated by these machines are actually used to help those who are in need and not for the profit of the VFW or American Legion. Maybe if he went to some meeting he would know this.

  2. Why is he tilting. Is he on a boat?

  3. Just one more way to suck money from the people, in this case from a non-profit organization.

  4. What kind of Barbie uniform is that?

    1. Hopefully not a military uniform unless he is in the Reserves(which I doubt). It is against the law to impersonate military personnel.

  5. Butterbar hahahahaha

  6. Just another tax from the little fellow.

  7. Day = backstabbing POS.

  8. To pay for his welfare housing.

  9. What the hell is he drinking? Something is affecting his brain very badly.

  10. A captain never been deployed what a clown

  11. Our commitments to our lodge helps children and seniors, How dare him do this!

  12. Is it Mr. Days intention to ruin this town. Those organizations use the profit from the slots to help others such as military families. It would seem that Mr. Days goal is not to get re- elected.

  13. 9:39 He is not tilting. He is leaning to the left like a good little socialist.

  14. Must be a photo op. His position of Mayor proves he has no leadership qualities and total disrespect for others. I can not believe he was ever in the Military.

  15. Look at me, Look at me, I'm wearing a soldiers uniform. If I take a selfie with it on everyone will thank me for my service even though I haven't done shit in my life.

  16. Did he get that outfit from the Salvation Army?

  17. That NG armory is where the good ole boys congregate and plan their crap. MP unit is there and where do you think these people work when not there? I found out first hand how those people operate back in late 70's and early 80's. There are also part of the city and county structure and will target you if you piss them off.

    The smallsbury "elite" isn't very elite but it works the same in principle.

  18. Real soldiers see combat. Fake soldiers take selfies of themselves while on training maneuvers they'll never use. Any questions?

  19. Randy is a nice guy, so how the hell did he end up with a deadbeat kid? Did he spare the rod and spoil him too much?

  20. Can you imagine being married to this narcissist? ACK! I feel sorry for his wife and kid. They deserve better. So do we!


  21. I see Bert; where's Ernie?

  22. He has the mentality of a high school "mean girl" and the selfies to boot. Google his name and look at all the self promoting garbage he has put online. He actually claims he was elected mayor "unanimously".

  23. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?? This SOB could chew through half pocomoke forest in a day

  24. What an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Does he ever look at his own selfies he looks just like a ferret, maybe he eats ferret food and was raised in a cage. What does he find so fascinating about himself he is not good looking, he can't carry on a conversation, he comes across as really stupid and basically out to lunch with Captain Crunch. Trying getting good advise for the rest of your term and weigh thinks before you jump in with both feet, who ever is feeding your ego is as dumb as you are. You need new friends and role models trust us the public the voters.

  26. Joe please I'm begging you every couple of weeks you have to run a picture of this clown doing the selfie thing but its especially gratifying seeing him in military fatigues doing it. I can be having the worst day ever a see this clown and bust out in an uncontrollable gut busting laugh. Thanks so much

  27. Jake Day is an Infantry Captain in the Army National Guard so he is not impersonating anyone other than maybe a human being. I don't know the guy and I don't work for the City so I have no dog in this fight. I met him once when he and another gentleman came to our VFW meeting to tell us about the monument refurbishing project across from Pepboys.


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