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Sunday, September 17, 2017

City Names Local Manager for National Folk Festival 2018-2020

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that the City has chosen Caroline O’Hare as Salisbury’s Local Manager for the National Folk Festival. Caroline was selected from a field of over a dozen candidates who applied for the position.

Caroline has proven her production management skills in some of the most challenging and highly-regarded production environments throughout her career—notably as the Creative Director for Live! With Kelly and Michael, where she produced daily promotions, gave direction to on-air talent, and oversaw a team of editors and graphic designers. Prior to working with Live!, Caroline was a Senior Writer and Producer for The Wendy Williams Show, and a Producer for MTV/Viacom.

After moving to Salisbury, Caroline was employed as the Administrative Head of Wicomico Day School. In addition to supervising the daily activities of staff and students, she facilitated the overhaul and updating of the school’s communication platforms, and developed and implemented marketing strategies for the school. As Administrative Head, Caroline was the liaison between parents and faculty, and oversaw the school’s multiple fundraisers and events.

As Salisbury’s Local Manager for the National Folk Festival, Caroline will be the City’s direct line to the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) to ensure that the Festival is a remarkable success for the entirety of its three-year residency in Salisbury. With myriad essential tasks which require constant oversight, the position demands that the Manager serve in multiple capacities, switching gears frequently, all while maintaining a sharp eye for detail. In addition to representing the festival, writing grants, and communicating with media outlets, Caroline will supervise the marketing of the festival and will work with the City, the NCTA, and the Festival’s Executive Committee to create fundraising materials.

“I am so excited to welcome Caroline as our Local Manager for this festival that will be unlike anything Salisbury has ever experienced,” said Mayor Day. “The National Folk Festival will bring a very large, very diverse offering of music, folk art, food, traditional crafts, and much more to Salisbury over the next three years. Managing such a large event takes a unique skillset, and Caroline’s wealth of knowledge and experience make her an invaluable asset to the City team.“

First held in 1934, the National Folk Festival is the oldest multicultural festival of traditional arts in the nation, and has been produced from its inception by the National Council for the Traditional Arts. It is a traveling festival produced in partnership with communities around the country. The National Folk Festival’s three-year stay in each host city is intended to lay the groundwork for sustainable, locally-produced festivals and events that continue after the National moves on. To date, the National has been presented in 26 cities. Musicians and craftspeople from every state in the Union and most U.S. territories have participated in this “moveable feast of deeply traditional folk arts.” Presented to audiences free of charge over a three-day period, National Folk Festivals since 1987 have had audiences upwards of 175,000. Salisbury, Maryland will be the home of the National Folk Festival from 2018 – 2020.


  1. Is it public knowledge of what this will cost the City?

  2. Why do they need grants? Salisbury asked for this, let them pay for it.

  3. I don't see where she has any direct experience orchestrating festivals and such. Good luck, but it appears to be another case of elbow rubbing and back door connections.

  4. Managing such a large event takes a unique skillset, and Caroline’s wealth of knowledge and experience make her an invaluable asset to the City team.“

    Not sure what experience he is referring to since being a creative director for a tv show has no correlation to running a festival

  5. Don't you normally get the rights to the event BEFORE you hire someone to manage it?

  6. Jake left out the part "First I made sure she was a far-left democrat, then I hired her."

  7. Why does her fb page claim she works at MTV Networks?

  8. I have attended, very proud that Salisbury was chosen. Family friendly and free.

  9. She should help guide the event to success as she certainly has the background to be successful. Sounds like a great step forward.

  10. Great news for Salisbury to host such an event. Something to be proud of.

  11. Just looked up on IMDB The Wendy Williams Show and this woman is NOT LISTED on the International Movie Database period! The shows' producers add personnel to the IMDB because it's verified crew by the production company.

    Caroline O'Hare has NO RECORD on the IMDB at all which means she's never worked on any movie or television show! Looks like Salisbury just got duped.

  12. On the IMDB there's three Caroline O'Hare women all actresses and none involved with The Wendy Williams Show at all. Looking at the Williams' show listing, there is no Caroline O'Hare listed as working with the production company at ALL! Not even as a Production Assistant which basically fetches coffee for the producers. LOL This festival just keeps getting better with every turn.

  13. "Build it and they will come" ~Field of Dreams

    In our case, it'll be "City of Screams"!

  14. Not that I like him personally, but we have a well-qualified LOCAL expert in Michael Day. He would have been my pick for directing something because he has a strong track record of success

  15. I clearly see the problem with Salisbury, NOBODY listened when they were told "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at ALL".

  16. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 13, 2017 at 4:55 PM

    Wow, Salisbury Family friendly, WTH? Crime is up and local PD cant even catch up with a dozen kids on dirt bikes. So lets bring in Festival that normally attracts 150,000 people out of town, great. Think about the traffic jams all around town. And this lady has some experience, but none in organizing Folk Festival. Something tells me we are about see the Biggest Flop in history of City of Salisbury.

  17. She was a freelancer at Viacom led a protest/walk out there for a better benefits for contractual employees and spent the last several years as headmaster at Wicomico Day School . She has no credentials for this job give it to County tourism

  18. WTF?? I thought that is why they hired Andy Kitzrow as an Assistant or Deputy City Administrator??

  19. Now that it is illegal to smoke in Salisbury Jakie Poo just cut out half of his expected attendees.

  20. 515 she isn't a freelancer. If she had, she would have credits on the IMDb. She's done nothing in television but she did pull a fast one on someone and she doesn't have experience with festivals to boot. Jake should've done his homework about this lady. She has no official credits at all.

  21. 430 so you really think anyone with real creds to do this gig would put their name on it? Think about it. That's like backing a loser running for elected office.

  22. This folk festival is a huge joke. Jake and Julia are about to lay a huge rotten egg and we're the ones paying for it. The County Council better not use my tax money to apply for some stupid grant for this mess. Not one red penny. Let Jake and his idiots figure it out on their own. Asshats!

  23. Salisbury is in the liberal toilet and Jake is gonna pay her salary with smoking fines that big bull writes while riding his bike downtown.
    I thought the bury was bad with Ireton at the reins.This Day choir boy has lost his friggen mind all at the cost of the taxpayers dime simply friggen crazy.

  24. They are already using your tax money to hire this person, AND taking money away from the police and fire department. It may be true that tax money was already paid just re-allocated but who will be paying for advertising, transportation, security?? This will not be good.

  25. Positive attitude is a key part of any success in life, but after watching Jake day constantly taking selfies, posing for pictures and listening to him I pray this will be the worst outcome possible for him and Salisbury. Anyone stupid enough to continually lie about crime and cover up violence and not use necessary resources to ensure public safety needs to fail and fail in a big way. If this festival turns out like the local festival attempt this will be a victory for many of us that are sick of day and his childish behavior

  26. Did Jake verify the claims she has made in her resume`?

  27. Can't say because I am employedSeptember 17, 2017 at 9:51 PM

    I see this as one of the ground work projects the Mayor(s) have done in the past. Out people "in charge" and then walk on them when it doesn't work out. This festival is to big to put white wash on things and have it squeak by, a realistic title like International Folk Festival is more accurate and this will break any dream of professional government this town may have ever wanted


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