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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Al Sharpton: If ESPN Fires Jemele Hill, They Will Face Our ‘Wrath’

Al Sharpton told MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace on Friday that ESPN will face the “wrath” of the civil rights community if they fire Jemele Hill over her controversial comments against President Trump.

“If ESPN does this, they’re going to face the wrath of a lot us,” Sharpton said.



  1. I'm suitably terrified.

  2. If you've watched ESPN over the years. You will notice the flourishing amount of African American hosts and commentators on their shows. It's all about demographics. Could it be because their audience is staying home all day watching TV.

  3. pay your taxes first then we will meet you with the wrath you speak of. Like or not Trump is ours.(map)

  4. So sick of all this black people crap. Maybe they need to feel the wrath of whites who are tired of it.

  5. If you don't work then you have plenty of time to watch TV. Espn could lose half of their audience.

  6. Your "wrath" is something that we think we all can handle.

  7. Wrath....lol
    You can't make this stuff up.

  8. We the people can control the media by not watching it.Tell me again what sports and politics have in common?

  9. FIRE her then lock this S.O.B. Up for not paying his taxes. Who the h--- does he think cares what he has to say. A total waste of human life

  10. Nowadays what's wrong is right and what's right is wrong.

  11. Liberals against liberals shouldn't concern us.

  12. Really Al.....who cares what you think. Who is ESPN's biggest audience. WHITE MEN. The NAACP tried to pull off a total boycott of the NFL because of the Kaepernick case.....Gee how did that work out. Just shut up and go away. You're irrelevant and nobody cares what you have to say including most blacks that I know.

  13. Al Sharptown might want to square up with IRS before he runs his mouth anymore. I am personally offended by him so he needs to be taken down like the statues. Can we bury him with the statues in the area dump?

  14. Don't watch ESPN racist programming any longer. Not but political agenda not sports. Same for NFL haven't seen a play and font miss it at all. As far as blacks threatening the president and making ridiculous accusations and attempts to encite a race war well it will definitely happen again, but it will be whites killing white liberals

  15. If Al were covered or plastered in concrete, would that be considered a statue? Not worth bronze.

  16. bring it on...who cares what Al says anyway...

  17. Wrath Al? AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH you and your refined skinny self...HHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAH. Maybe if you were Al Roker I'd listen - but NO!

    SHUT UP AL, you are no longer relevant - dick!


  18. Dear Al Sharpton,

    Problem solved for you. I chose to fire ESPN; they can hire whoever they want and let them spew in whatever fashion they choose or permit.

    I'm guessing a lot more people will be firing ESPN. Perhaps they will also fire ABC and their joint parent Disney.

  19. Hey Al! I just made a statue of you! Threw some white paper on it and pushed the handle down.

  20. Who gave him his reverend collar? Did he take a test? Did he read the Bible? Would he feel the same way if she said that about former president oboma?

  21. Al is like Obama.....a CRACK HEAD

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your "wrath" is something that we think we all can handle.

    September 16, 2017 at 4:21 PM

    Maybe you can or maybe you can't. I hope it doesn't come to that. It won't be pretty for anyone.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can't make this stuff up.

    September 16, 2017 at 4:24 PM

    Make what stuff up? And why would, or should, anyone make anything up? Sometimes all it would take would be a spark. Then all matter of chaos would erupt for all the world to see.

    Some people foolishly wish for that to happen, not knowing the terrible destruction that would follow. It's easy to sit on a computer and talk smack and imagine different types of scenarios playing out.

    And in one's imagination, they are the victors with very little harm coming to them or their loved ones. But that would probably not be the case in reality. It is better to work things out now and avoid bloodshed and violence than all-out war. It's easy to get started but difficult to get it to end.

    So keep that in mind when some continue to espouse such things.

  24. Its inevitable and you make it sound like death can be avoided. I'd rather die or we a family member die to rid society of this garbage being shoved down societies throat today. Whatever it takes to restore some normalcy and respect for people leading country

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Its inevitable and you make it sound like death can be avoided. I'd rather die or we a family member die to rid society of this garbage being shoved down societies throat today. Whatever it takes to restore some normalcy and respect for people leading country

    September 17, 2017 at 2:35 AM

    well, I believe it can be avoided. everyone can type such bravado when they are safe and have no real threats occurring to them. It's a much different feeling when faced with destruction and death. I certainly do not want anyone I know and love to be killed, for any reason. But maybe that's just me. I think I would rather die myself and face continuing life without them. Again, maybe that's just me.

    I don't like what I see going on in the world either and it should be corrected. It is much too easy to simply kill someone who is doing something you don't like and it opens up another set of problems to be dealt with. Just substituting one set of problems for another.

  26. Not a damn thing will be done, you fool. Plus we are no where near afraid of the likes of you.


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