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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Sacramento plans to pay gang members $1.5M to keep the peace

How bad has gun violence gotten in Sacramento, Calif.? City leaders now plan to pay gang members $1.5 million for a cease-fire.

Following a fatal shooting last weekend in a city park, the Sacramento city council unanimously approved a controversial program called Advance Peace in an effort to address a recent spike in violence.

The program offers gang members cash stipends for graduating from school and generally staying out of trouble.



  1. Come on let's pay our kids to be good. Spare the rod spoil to children

  2. Crime pays! In California and politics!

  3. Sounds kinda low to me. I wonder if they can afford more.

  4. PAY a gang banger to be nice????
    Citizens who work and pay their bills, and taxes, and stay out of trouble?
    Why don't they send THEM a stipend?

    Put the bangers in prison and let them keep the peace THERE.
    Is there something in the water out there?
    Their politicians have developed a special kind of stupid.

  5. Coming to SALISBURY soon.....SPD chief will do this with Pizza night with the local BLM thugs.

  6. wouldn't it make more financial sense to take that money and hire more leo?

  7. They have won.

    Wrap it up and hand it over, California. You no longer own your own freedom. You have to buy it from the Mafia.

  8. Should be CRIMINAL to use Tax payer $$$$ for such a thing !!

    Lock up these IDIOTS stealing our money, giving to criminals........they too are criminals !!!!


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