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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Animal abusers now need to register like sex offenders in some states

A new law is growing in popularity across the country to protect dogs, cats and other pets. Several United States jurisdictions have implemented an animal offenders registry, which is similar to how sex offenders are registered, and will publicly reveal the names of known animal abusers in the area.

Currently, Tennessee is the only place to implement a state-wide registry. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations is currently monitoring the state's registry, which can be accessed at any local office. However, other counties, such as Suffolk County in New York, Hillsborough Country in Florida and Cook County in Illinois, are have set up localized animal offender registries. Other states such as Texas, Connecticut and Washington are setting up similar initiatives.

The information a person will learn upon seeking out the registry is the name, date of birth, offense, conviction date and expiration date of all know abusers. First-time abusers' names will stay on the list for two years and an additional five years will be added to their expiration date for every subsequent offense after the original.



  1. Replies
    1. 3:55 What is funny, and how does your comment have anything to do with this post? It is about protecting animals, which they really need!
      Also, this is taking place in Tennessee, one of the 10 most conservative states!
      I'm a Conservative mind you, but I do find you comment has no relevance at all.
      I could have stated spaghetti day, and it would made as much sense as your comment.

    2. Your a conservative but want more government control?

    3. 8:07- I guess, as a non conformist, self thinking individual, I welcome legislature protecting those without a voice. Labeling myself as a Conservative does not mean I will turn a deaf ear to pets and to prosecute those who would abuse them. Given your comment, you sound heartless and indifferent to animal abusers. I prefer to not be represented or grouped with the likes of you. You go your way, I'll go mine, and I pray you never have the privaledge of taking care of an animal. It's not about gov't control, it's about long over due protections for abused animals. If your not on board with that, I don't want to know you. Nothing to do with control, so don't presume that your "conservative" views are iron clad and should mesh eith decency. You just made yourself out to be a heartless troll, sleep on that.

  2. The animals are worthy of more protection than the ill gotten gains of simple impulsive genitrottie rubbing humans.

  3. It is about time!! Don't let them have animals if they cannot treat them like live beings.

  4. The true innocent of Gods world, children and animals. Forgive me if I fail to see the humor in their abuse. 3:55...you are a coward, sign your name...I sign mine.David Sapp

  5. Hope it's passed in all States.
    They should never be allowed to
    have another animal !

    The abuser starts with an animal then
    it's on to abusing a human !
    Proven Fact!

    Wish it were a Law in our County, sure
    needs to be as it'll take longer to
    pass at State Level. Counties are
    allowed their own Laws pertaining to

  6. 8:24 Just one more to add to your list
    of innocents and helpless-------
    The Elderly.

  7. Mr. "educated 8:07" correctly, its " you're a conservative". And yes, I ask the government to protect those who deserve protection, and can not protect themselves.

  8. All should get 20 yrs min

    Animals deserve Human Rights .....call Congress Now !!!

  9. Good they should have to register!!! We have to be the voice for animals!

  10. They should get LIFE in Prison !!!!


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