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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Jeb Bush Begs Donald Trump: ‘Come to DACA’s Defense’

Failed presidential candidate Jeb Bush wants President Donald Trump to save former President Barack Obama’s executive decree offering temporary amnesty to illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

“Come to DACA’s defense, Mr. Trump,” Bush wrote on Twitter, sharing a link to a Miami Herald editorial. “With Presidential leadership, this can be resolved.”

The emotional editorial recalls Trump’s assertion to deal with DACA recipients “with heart,” urging him to keep it in place.

“Trump can terminate DACA with the stroke of a pen,” the editorial reads. “That would be a shameful mistake.”



  1. C'mon Jeb. You didn't have enough fire in the belly to win over The Donald. Quit crying in your beer!

  2. Oh hell no, do not listen to him President Trump.

  3. I trust Trump to do the right thing for this country. (map)

  4. Bush, just shut up and go chill with Hillary.

  5. How can you support DACA and deport their illegal parents and extended family? All must be deported.

  6. So, are we going with emotions, Jeb, or fiscal and social responsibility for the nation?

  7. Jeb - we didn't voto for you - we voted for Trump to get rid of the illegal DACA program! If the legislators put a LAW together that saves it - he'll make his decision properly!

  8. Is it possible that Mr. Trump is a double agent?
    A globalist in sheep's clothing?

    Let's hope not.

  9. And that's why Jeb isn't president, and Donald is.


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