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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Remember My Post On Monday About Jake Day's Amphitheater?

Earlier this week I put up an article on the bids for the Amphitheater Salisbury Mayor Jake Day proposed to build. Here's what I had published.

1. $47,500.00
2. $65,000.00
3. $400,000.00

The numbers you see above include a ton of trickery. The winning bidder, ($47,500.00) was a company called veteran builders, (or something like that). What you don't know, (but probably questioned) why such a major difference?

Well let's start with the fact that the winning bidder company is owned by none other then Palmer Gillis, go figure. Then you say, why only $47,500.00, compared to $400,000.00. Well that's where the trickery comes in.

You see, if you come in with the lowest bid and assure you'll do the final project for less then $400,000.00, you some how, some way, get the job!

That's right, it's cheating. The company that stated $400,000.00 is a bid from beginning to end. YOU are NOT supposed to know that this freaking thing is going to cost taxpayers almost a half a million dollars and that won't include change orders and anyone in the business knows damn well that will come about.

So why $47,500.00? Well, another company owned by Palmer Gillis will be the engineers on the project and this expense is just the design and planning portion of the project, before a single piece of wood is ordered. It has nothing to do with the physical amphitheater construction. So Lord knows what this thing is going to ultimately cost taxpayers but they way they have selected a contractor on this job is something I have never seen before. 

Once again, we are the Anti Christ for exposing real news in Salisbury. Shame on us! 

A viewer said, "He thinks THIS is qualified to orchestra a festival?? She wrote promo spots, mini commercials. Really?"


  1. IF they keep on raising taxes and fees and adding new taxes and fees, soon it won't matter, no one can afford to go to this amphitheater...

  2. Jake day keep up the good work!! I'm starting to actually begin to enjoy hating you. You are a direct reflection of the clowns you look for your spiritual growth from, tell people what they want to hear but in actuality it's really all about you and feeding your ego

  3. Wow Palmer still making a killing on the city - Way to Go Palmer, you will have much to explain when you meet your maker.

  4. All government contracts the money is made by change orders you never bid to make profit on the original contract. Follow this contract all the way to the end and I bet that it will be over $100,000 before it's over just follow it and you will be surprised at what you will see at the end. Plus veteran builders is using a minority status by hiring veterans so they can beat the system not because they like veterans I assure you

  5. Day is not a good person. He seems to be as dishonest as the day is long. It should not surprise anyone that he is a thief. Stealing from tax payers to line the pockets of his friends. He is nothing to be proud of and anyone associated with him should be hanging their heads in shame.

  6. just go ahead and change the name of the city to GillisGilkersonbury..

    1. 9:08. That is a HILARIOUS post. Thank you for a great laugh!!!

  7. I guess they WON'T be kissing us first.

    "We, the people" don't have a chance.

    Unless it's a chance that we may decide we've had enough scamming, lying, cheating, and stealing.
    Things go downhill for them pretty fast after that.
    Keep cheering.

  8. I don't fault Palmer. Those giving him the work know what is going on and those are the ones that will need to a good answer when they meet their makers. Not saying Palmer will not have some splaining to do.

  9. And who will work and be entertained in this amphitheater a la Jake? The section 8 crowd?

  10. Never did trust Delmarva Veteran Bldrs

  11. Keep cutting corners there Boy Toy, there is no life line or phone a friend to get you out of this mess!

  12. Salisbury is a cash cow for Gillis.

  13. He's made an absolute living off of Salisbury and its elected officials. You can't blame palmer if their that stupid take their money. He's built a pretty successful business with Salisbury constant business to rely on

  14. Joe, is there anyway that we could see the actual bids? Can we submit a FOIA request to see what the scope of each bid was and who submitted them?

  15. Didn't work in Delmar why would it work here ?

  16. 10:17 AM Really? You don't have a clue? Delmar?

    1. Yes, Delmar. The developer saw the Amphitheatre business has dropping drastically and changed his direction into an event (weddings) venue. Smart business man move. Boy mayor has no business smarts, or any other smarts.

  17. 10:38-You don't have a clue...YES DELMAR! Now in Delmar, they have bought The Barn to try to expand what they started.

  18. 11:12 AM Yea, you wondered why if failed in Delmar? Because it IS DELMAR with a population of 3200 & 1765 vs Salisbury with a population of 33100

    does that answer YOUR STUPID question.

  19. Let day go it will be worth the horror stories next year from the visiting patrons, performers, and Salisbury residents. You have none months to put all this together Day, Glantz can you really handle all that pressure and responsibility? As far as donations, volunteers good luck with that in TODAY'S Salisbury

  20. 11:51 AM yes yes, true point.

  21. the entire devreco needs to be looked at.

  22. "Anonymous said...

    Let day go it will be worth the horror stories next year from the visiting patrons, performers, and Salisbury residents. You have none months to put all this together Day, Glantz can you really handle all that pressure and responsibility? As far as donations, volunteers good luck with that in TODAY'S Salisbury

    September 14, 2017 at 11:51 AM"

    This is what I say. I can't wait to ram, jam and smash the "Told you so's" right in their faces. And no this is not being negative as the dummies like to say. It's being realistic so prepare now for the failure and the Told You So's that will be coming.

  23. No surprise there.... Chris Eccleston at Veteran Builders is another one of Jakey's bffs. #HappyHourHonchos

  24. So, the $47,500 just designs the thing, which will be $400,000 turn key finished in time for the Folking which will cost us $800,000 and 800 volunteers, more porta potties than exist on the Shore, 8 miles of fencing and nowhere to park. 10,000 hotel rooms just ain't gonna make it Jakie boy!

    We will be totally Folked!

  25. So WHO were the "Other" companies.....2) was DEVCO and 3) was a builder from across the bridge

  26. Gillis, part of the good ole boy club here in Salisbury. They cover each others azz here. Crooked dealings for years. Time for some investigations.


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