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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Gray family disgusted after DOJ decides not to charge officers

BALTIMORE —The family of Freddie Gray is disgusted by the fact that no one is being held accountable for his death while in police custody.

The reaction comes Wednesday, a day after the U.S. Department of Justice released its decision not to pursue federal charges against any of the six police officers involved in the 2015 death of Gray. The DOJ found there is insufficient evidence to support federal criminal civil rights charges.

Attorneys Billy and Hassan Murphy represent Gray's family. They describe the family as devastated and disappointed, and said the decision is a bitter pill to swallow. They met with the DOJ team to ask how they came to this conclusion.

"We have to admit that we left satisfied with the investigation undertaken by this particular group of lawyers at the Department of Justice, most (of which are) holdovers from the Obama administration," Hassan Murphy said.



  1. Gray family, own it yourselves.

  2. They got millions from the Baltimoron leadership - they're only upset cuz they didn't get more!

  3. "If only" they had tried to get their boy on the right tract when he was arrested all those other times, then perhaps they would understand the law was doing their job. IMO their disgust is aimed in the wrong direction.

  4. Yes, someone is being held accountable. The family that raised the guy so poorly and the man that made so many bad decisions.

    1. No there not. They were given millions for what was a righteous arrest. Meanwhile, 6 goox police officers had their life shattered for doing their job.

  5. The parents should be fined for lack of parental guidance.

  6. They were quick to accept the huge settlement.

  7. I love it when parents blame the police for there children not being productive people, be mad with your children if they didn't break the law the police Will never show up. Why is it always someone else's fault that there child is suspended from school, going to jail, hooked on drugs, pregnant at 13, or a successful doctor.

  8. DOJ should be Charging the District Atty Racist who charged
    the Officers , Who, were Found NOT GUILTY !!!

  9. Im disgusted the fact you walked away with 6million dollars, Im disgusted that you had no responsibility your child was a drug dealer, car thief and thug.

    Own up, pay back the 6 million you should have never received.
    Admit your son was a POS

  10. Nobody Cares about these officers (Not Guilty) who have been put through Hell and careers Ruined .....

    How about if it were YOU ???

  11. Who cares if they are disgusted. They are disgusting drug addicts and criminals themselves. They need to accept this as Gods Will. He doesn't care about them or Freddie because they turned their backs on Him and live in sin so He is punishing them.

  12. To quote their favorite DEM leader..."What difference does it makes at this point!"

  13. Keep beating the dead horse, Gray's got paid - now move along!

  14. 6 million and he was lower than rocks in the Pacific Ocean.
    It's a good thing Baltimore still has a few people working at the few remaining businesses so someone can pay these never-worked-in-my-life new millionaires.
    You work for 30 years, pay your dues and taxes, raise a fine family and then get told you'll have to learn to live on 30% of what they promised and your health benefits will be cut to almost nothing.
    One morning you read the State has given a family 6 MILLION because the police MIGHT have had something to do with the death of your son.
    They have never had a job in their life and some of YOUR paycheck went to pay THEIR rent and electric. It also paid for his numerous stints in the slammer.
    YOU saved and scrimped. THEY bought lottery tickets.
    Now, they live in a house you could NEVER afford and drive several new cars.
    Should have taken the whole family out back and shot them.
    Don't worry. I'm just saying what millions are thinking.
    Keep cheering.

  15. Please his parents are disgusted?? I doubt it. His mother hasn't come out of her drunken stupor since she got paid that 6 million. Smh. Right now she is saying "Freddie who?"

  16. I was disgusted that the City of Baltimore paid over 6 million dollars to the Gray family for a thug acting like a thug who basically killed himself. None of the charges stuck to any of the officers. None were found guilty of any wrong doing. It seems like these days the government pays any thug's family when said thug is killed by law enforcement even though they are doing things that are unlawful. Some have even been illegally armed when shot. But cities keep paying families. Kind of like they pay the families of terrorists in the Middle East. I don't quite understand the logic.

  17. The least Baltimore could have gotten from the huge payout to the family should have been a gag order keeping them from ever commenting publicly on the death of their outlaw son.

  18. They need to pay back the money Obama gave them and pay for ALL the crimes the thug committed on the people and the city ?

  19. This sad story, is highlighted by the fact that this young man created the situation he was in. He was no angel and had a previous record. The police did nothing but subdue and arrest him. Stop blaming someone else for his actions. The parents should be ashamed of their parenting skills and their lack of raising him correctly.

  20. Private citizens cannot 'charge' other private citizens with crimes. This is for the State Attorney's office to do and from what I understand it's already a done deal. The family can sue civilly for wrongful death but it's hard if not impossible if there was a failure to convict. OJ Simpson was a once-in-a-lifetime situation where he was clearly guilty but the jury in the criminal trial failed to do their job and the lawyers on both sides along with Judge Ito failed at their jobs, too. People say the damnedest things because they don't know how our legal system works. Keep up the ignorance. It's too funny to watch!

  21. Disgusted!!! They took the money. Now shut up.

  22. Charge them with what? They've been found not guilty...EXONERATED! End of story!

  23. They got millions from the Baltimore taxpayers because the corrupt, black mayor and city council hates cops and helping a Brother out.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Charge them with what? They've been found not guilty...EXONERATED! End of story!

    September 14, 2017 at 7:53 PM

    Only two or three were found not guilty. The others had their charges dropped. Charges can always be filed. Maybe with a new name, or by the fed. If "they" really want somebody they WILL get them.

  25. The family's lawyer already held Baltimore accountable for the loss of Freddy Grey's life, to the tune of 6 million dollars. That's enough. They don't get to judge the officers.


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