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Friday, September 29, 2017

Left Targets Roy Moore for Personal Destruction

Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Joe Scarborough said former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore’s victory over Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in the Alabama Senate primary meant the Republican Party was “infected” with”stupidity” and “ignorance.”

Scarborough said, “I’m tired of the debates about whether the Republican Party will be the conservative party or the liberal party. I’m just tired of us being the stupid party.”

On Moore, Scarborough said, “You’ve got a guy that wants to get elected to the United States Senate doesn’t even know what DACA is or the DREAMers are which means he is so isolated from any news, from any knowledge of the debate in Washington, D.C., that you even wonder why he’s applying for the job? I mean, this would be — this would be like somebody that decided to be a judge that didn’t even know we didn’t have a religious freedom amendment in our Constitution, the First Amendment.”



  1. Joe (Sacrborough), evidently YOU didn't know who YOU were either until meeting Mika. Talk about a true red/white/blue RINO!

    Mr. Independent - ZIP IT!!!!

    And by the way Elephant Party - for the love of GOD and COUNTRY - STEP UP with future candidates. Not retreads that still listen to AM radio!!

  2. If you don't have enough sense to be a Republican Congressman you can always work at MSNBC.

  3. With friends like Joe Scar, the Republican Party needs no enemies!

  4. treating him just like any other.


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