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Friday, September 29, 2017

Media continues to bash Donald Trump

Stirring racial divisiveness instead of sticking to the news

The president-bashing liberal media ignore a church shooting and distort constructive efforts in Puerto Rico

The left works overtime to control everyone’s sense of reality. They have lost the hearts and minds of Americans so all they can do now is arrange various public Kabuki dramas insisting that America (and Americans by default) are no good and not worth standing for.

For a media that remain pathologically fixated on their hatred for the president, having to cover other news is anathema to them. Who knows, events they could cover might help President Trump; or if they stop attacking him for a few days people might have a moment to consider the president without him being slathered in media crazy sauce.

So, as Mr. Trump received praise for guiding the nation through hurricanes, which played a part in his approval ratings rise, it’s no surprise the left lurched forward and decided more racial division and complaining about America were necessary.

“Taking a knee” has become the new “Hands up, don’t shoot” scenario for liberal activists. As their hero Hillary Clinton wanders around the country continuing her “Tour J’accuse,” major league football players decided to kneel (again) during Sunday’s football games.



  1. Joe I think it's important to state that so far us, the taxpayers, have paid $1,070,594.14 for these cabinet members to travel privately instead of as required. Not what I expected from a Conservative government!

  2. What else is new? I am so sick of it. If the MSM didn't hit Trump what would they report on maybe blm, bet and now bounce. NOT (map)

  3. The media resembles that of Germany circa 1935

  4. PLEASE, Dear GOD, Stick to the news.

  5. Nothing about fans dumping the NFL because it doesn't fit their narrative.


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