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Friday, September 29, 2017

Republicans Push For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Hillary, Comey, & Lynch

Their crimes are well documented, but will congress have the guts to press forward?

As Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion turns into a witch-hunt in search of anything, or anyone that can be scapegoated to justify the year long circus originating from a Hillary Clinton-John Podesta concocted story to explain away their failed $2 billion election disaster, documented crimes were committed by Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch.

Perjury, obstruction of justice, secret airport tarmac meetings, leaking of government documents, and the destruction of 33,000 government emails... perhaps the GOP has finally mustered up the balls to bring in the real criminals to justice.



  1. They better do it , or we will be totally bogus too !

  2. Long overdue, but such a waste of resources. All three will be dead within 10 years! Is it truly worth it?

    1. You're damn right it will be worth it.

  3. The irony is that Kushner and Pence did the same thing, minus the deleting of emails. But hey, they're allowed to screw up an infinite amount of times before their security clearance gets revoked right?

    1. 1:36 The irony is you are still crying because Trump is President 😂🤣

  4. Idle threats, with no real teeth or substance. Clinton and her/his cronies along with Obama are untouchable! We NEVER be held accountable for their actions.

  5. Why is it a waste? Do you believe there should not be deterrents for breaking the law? Just think of the resources we "wasted" protecting the Clintons while she was running for office.

  6. Yes,it is worth it.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Why is it a waste? Do you believe there should not be deterrents for breaking the law? Just think of the resources we "wasted" protecting the Clintons while she was running for office.

    September 29, 2017 at 1:50 PM

    Probably because there will be no outcome of substance no matter what happened.

  8. 1:36, go back to sleep. (map)

  9. As we've seen for a long time, Congress is mostly gutless.


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