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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Well-Deserved: Paul Ryan Now as Unpopular as Pelosi; McConnell Less Popular

To no one’s surprise, a just-released NBC News poll reveals that feckless Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has succeeded in becoming just as unpopular as his polarizing predecessor, San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

The Survey/Monkey poll shows that 30% of those surveyed view Pelosi favorably, a statistical tie with Paul Ryan’s 31%. The two are also tied up in the unfavorable department, with 64% holding an unfavorable view of Pelosi, compared to 63% for Ryan.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is in even worse shape. A Harvard-Harris poll released last week showed the Kentucky Republican with a dismal approval rating of just 19%, the lowest of any politician in the country. In this same poll, Ryan’s favorable rating is 33%, which is in line with the NBC poll.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s approval rating sits at 39%, which is not great but is still better than his congressional counterparts, who are not the focus of a 24/7 hate campaign from our national media.



  1. Like I have stated the rogue chameleon Republicans are / will be the down fall of the Republican majority and give the Democrats back control. That also includes Romney and the Bush Family.

    1. "Like I have stated." Usually the first sentance in every comment from someone who tries to build themselves up, thinking they are smarter than ever one else. Oh thank you, Captain hindsight!

  2. They are fighting Trump - the majority of the country elected him to do a set of jobs they are interfering with.

    They better get with the program - mid-terms are coming...along with primaries! The vote is strong!

  3. He & his family have been threatened just like a lot of Senators and Congressmen.I know running scared when I see it.Anyone who has clout has been threatened.

  4. trump has turned on every conservative and every friend of the NRA who has a legitimate question... I am done!

  5. They are all unpopular because they are all corrupt. Congressional corruption is not limited to one side of the aisle, or they other.


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