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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Home Depot Officially Responds To Yesterday's Article

Hi – This is Matt from The Home Depot’s Store Support Center. We never raise prices during a disaster and immediately freeze prices when a state of emergency is declared, but this was a pricing mistake. The store quickly fixed the problem by discounting all water intended to be sold by the bottle, as these were. on

The Home Depot Public Relations


  1. "...we never..." Well someone instructed an employee to do so. Never say never PR folks, only makes you look foolish when you have to explain instances like this!

  2. Those are 20oz bottles that you buy out of a cooler as singles...not the 1/2L (16.9oz) sold as 12pks and 24pks. That $42 price divided by 24 reflects that.

    1. Yes we sell 20oz by the case in multiple brands of water. Check with a distributor before saying it's not sold like that. Another know it all wrong

  3. Mistake ? Now that you got caught maybe.
    What the hell is Home Depot selling water for anyway , don't look or sound like a mistake. My store close to my home doesn't sell water.

    1. Ever heard of contractors? They are people working out in the sun fixing homes and businesses. They need water and its convenient for them to pick it up at home depot while shopping for other things. I've worked and lived in multiple states and every Home Depot/Lowes I've been in sells cases of water and Gatorade. You must not be paying attention.

    2. You are the ones not paying attention

  4. hey 1:34 , what , do you work at the Home Depot. Reflect this , it's not clear paint !

  5. Gas stations around here jack up the gas when we're going to be hit with a hurricane. Heck they jack it up when its summertime and they know people travel. Really what is the difference?

  6. Actually I was in H D and Lowe's both, yesterday and both had cases of water for sale.

  7. Is it just me or does the link not work for anyone else? It takes me to HD site but I see no story on water prices

  8. 1019 the link takes me to Home Depot's site.

  9. I know it's common to bash big business for any excuse possible.

    But, I was grateful for Home Depot's response to Hurricane Matthew last fall. We got hit pretty hard in St. Augustine. Thanks HD for being there and providing great service in a difficult time.

  10. Amen 1032. HD helped out people here in Salisbury after the tornado came through earlier this month. They helped a lot!

  11. Not in reference to the water, but..................

    Some call it Price gouging. But here is a lesson in economics 101. if you have a disaster, materials are needed. But if you leave it at the same price as it was before the disaster, every body no matter how little they were damaged will buy up the materials.

    In a disaster the commodities become very wanted. Prices are raised so those who seriously need the building material will have it available. Those who are seriously damaged are willing to pay more for the product. It is better to have the product available for their repair needs than to have it scavenged up by those who don't necessarily have an extreme emergency.

    Economics 101
    Look up Walter E. Williams he is a great professor on economics.

  12. We give our landscapers free water when it is extremely hot. Why not free water for hurricane victims.

    1. Why aren't you driving to Texas to give free water? How many cases have you sent?

  13. Just saw a blip interviewing the Texas Attorney General who has said price gouging will be prosecuted. Should be interesting to watch and see if he really follows through. The Maryland Attorney General never does when the office is well aware of how much price gouging goes on here on the Eastern Shore in both emergencies and tourist season. Price gouging is also one of the reasons why government intervenes in business which causes issues in Capitalism. Some business owners can't seem to help themselves and greed prevails so it forces government to mandate and technically try to fix pricing to safeguard consumers from these greedy bastards. A few bad apples ruin it for everyone else.

  14. Why can't people fill up jugs of water pre hurricane and drink that water?

  15. $42.72 % 24 = $1.78 per bottle. Seems about normal from seeing it in just about any other store.

    I fill up a gallon jug or two for my daily drinking water. It comes right out of the faucet at home for about a penny a gallon.

  16. The gouging is worse that this water. In Houston they're charging $8.76 per gallon for regular unleaded gas (fake corn gas) and that's highway robbery.

  17. That was no mistake. They were trying to sell 24 bottles at the 24 X single bottle price.

  18. Gas Stations are the WORST GOUGERS and are allowed to
    simply Get Away With it !!!!!!!!!!! No Fines No Nothing

  19. Gas in Salisbury MD has NO need to be Raising Prices at ALL
    and are Raping the public here......All a Scam !!!!!
    All should be FINED a Million Dollars each !!!!

  20. Fine Salisbury MD Gas Stations !!!


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