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Sunday, September 03, 2017

East Coast Alert ! According to Weather Experts, it is Highly Likely to Develop Into a Powerful Hurricane Going to Get Hit – Hard

"Invest 92L" is the designation of a tropical depression just off the west coast of Africa. According to weather experts, it is highly likely to develop into a powerful hurricane. Trouble is, MOST (not all) of the computer weather models, show this future hurricaneto clobber the US East Coast! Impact potential all the way to New Jersey and New York City, just like Hurricane Sandy!



  1. They can not predict the weather from one day to the next and now this???

  2. Does Wal-Mart pay them to whip up fright???

  3. Bread
    Toilet Paper

    Toilet Paper.

    Ooops, that's the cry for a snow storm.

    (snicker snicker)

    1. 8:05: I don't get it. Is that a joke?

  4. I hope it goes right up the Chesapeake bay.

  5. Be very careful what you wish for 8:08. That could be very destructive.

  6. Can the. People of the Eastern Shore learn from Katrina and Sandy and Harvey and just get some shelf-stable food and a few cases of water UPSTAIRS in the attic or highest spot.
    And go meet your neighbors. Make a plan. It WILL happen. Maybe not now, but eventually.

    If you have a boat or canoe start thinking about what you'd do. If you have family all over, make a plan where to meet or who to contact if things go wrong here.
    Where will you go if you need to evacuate? Who can you take with you?
    What about your pets? Have a safe place to hide your valuables? If power goes out you can't pump gas with your debit card!!
    Got your meds? Take a pic of them on your phone. You may need that info in a shelter.
    There's much more, but start. The government isn't going to rescue you. and the Good people of law enforcement have enough to do. Do for yourselves.
    It ain't rocket science. It's common sense.

  7. I don't think I would want to be in the Lesser Antilles a few days from now, but it is still a long way off....something to keep an eye on for sure, but a lot could happen before Sept. 4.

  8. Flood map says if cat 4 came in bay, from tunnel to Harrington De under water.

  9. 8:05 don't forget the beer

  10. Let's do what Democrats do.all the time...... BAN ALL BAD WEATHER..... yeah, let me run into mommy's basement now...ahhhh, feel better

  11. It was actually Invest 93L, get it right

  12. First the Eclipse and now two powerful storms could hit America...

    Jesus said in regards to his return there will be... "signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves"

    Get ready.

  13. Please at least CONSIDER the possibility that these powerful storms are the result of geoengineering practices such as SRM (solar radiation management). If so, then it is not a forecast but a warning.

    Brace yourself.

    These storms are totally unnatural.

    1. 10:23- It is hurricane season, hence the hurricanes. Consider that you don't know what you are talking about. You post this nonsense with every passing storm.

  14. What is a person before the view of whole world, but a speck of dust. Now what is a person before the Holy God who created the world? You are nothing, yet God found you worthy to die for. Without believing Jesus is God means you know not God. Sin brings forth death. the wages of sin is death the Word says. The only way to fix our separation from God through sin is the blood of a sacrifice, and that sacrifice has to be perfect or the payment isn't permanent. since we are all born in sin, no one meets that standard. Clearly since the only one to meet God's standard is God, God goes Himself as Jesus. God became a man, Jesus Christ, and lived the sinless life we couldn't. He willingly took all the wrath of God that was met to be poured on us for all the evil that we are, and He bore it. He took the full force of God's punishment, becoming our sin and dying with it. Because a perfect sacrifice was the only way to pay a debt for a people as sinful as we are. Someone had to die, so he did it Himself. Cause He wanted us back for Himself. He became payment for a people who could not redeem themselves. Then He rose again, defeating death and the grave. That meant the redemption was guaranteed, For all who believe. We serve a living God who paid our debt. All you have to do to be declared innocent is Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That His death was enough to pay the penalty for your sins and live a lifestyle of repentance. Which means to change one's mind. To turn away from sin, God makes you a new man in Christ, He is the one who regenerates your person to make you a New Creature. With a new heart and new mind who hates to do sin, and to displease God. When we do sin, which we all do, we will repent and ask God for His mercy and Grace to help us to never do it again. God is real, and whether you believe in Him or not, you will stand before Him. It comes down to you believe on Jesus or you die and go to hell. There's no way around it and no way to sugarcoat it for you. It's one or the other. You see, Jesus had to be God or nobody is saved.

  15. I'm not worried until Dan says it will miss us... then I buy sand bags.

  16. One day the Chesapeake Bay will meet the Atlantic Ocean. Salisbury may be a little over 20 feet above sea level and we are less than 25 miles form the ocean.

    1. The bay already meets the ocean

  17. Ever notice how one big storm generally follows the giant storms?

  18. They are down playing it right now because they don't want mass panic. I work for the State of Maryland and I can tell you they are looking at this very closely! I, for one will be at least stocking up on bottle water. Remember in Huston they were charging 100 dollars a case. Good to have just in stock, and if not, it will get used anyway.

  19. Looks like it could potentially go right up the Bay. Wouldn't that be a clam bake for Delmarva.

  20. Maybe that explains why Acme has a ton of water in the store on sale.

  21. george bush is doing it, just like he did a while back in new orleans.

  22. Went grocery shopping today. Bottled water is being cleared off of the the shelves. I was in Walmart in Cambridge. Just about every cart I saw had bottled water. I purchased some myself just to be on the safe side. If nothing comes of it, It will still get used.

  23. Hurricane Hazel, 1954, was not a strong hurricane but we were on the east side of the storm. The wind howled and debris blew across streets and through yards. Very scary.

  24. Buy batteries now, and don't be surprised if you can't find a D or C cell battery anywhere on the shore by Thursday....


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