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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Despite pending appeal, Dumser’s to close by Oct. 31

Dumser’s Dairyland’s inlet spot is set to close on Oct. 31, after Judge Dale Cathell denied a motion that would keep it open while the while the heirs to the property prepare their next move in the fight against the city.

“We built this business up for 35 years, starting at that location. It’s not fair. I wasn’t aware that we had a problem until this came out,” Dumser’s owner Don Timmons said. “I’m just the middleman caught up in this.”

The iconic Boardwalk stand is the center of a controversy that sparked after the city declined to renew an agreement with the relatives of Nathan Rapoport, the man that built it in 1966.

Instead of renewing the 25-year agreement for a second time, the city decided to tell Nathans Associates, the heirs, and its tenant to vacate the premises last October.



  1. Sounds like ocean city has their own version of Jake day as mayor.

  2. So what does the city REALLY want that space for? A few more
    Parking spaces???

  3. If Dale Cathell's opinion is published should be easy to overturn?

  4. This is sad. Has there been a satisfactory explanation of why some better agreement can't be reached?

  5. The good old boy network is alive and working well in Ocean City
    Dale Cathell retired Court of Appeals Judge one of the good old boys
    brought in just to this case!

  6. Cathall denied the motion to keep it open because
    The City might lose the case based on the Windsor Resort(Trimpers) outcome
    In that case the City lost and Trimpers still own their building on the boardwalk
    Good old boy Cathall is doing his job well!

  7. We will never go over the bridge in to OC again if the city forces Dumser's to close this location.

    1. I feel like I'll never want to go again either it's part of Ocean City since I was almost born

    2. you were never born? just almost?

    3. you were never born? just almost?

  8. That's really sad. I'm going to head over there this weekend and have one last cone.
    Thanks for the memories over the years, Dumser's. We would always play tourist on Labor Day weekend, take the kids down to Trimpers, get some fries at Thrashers, paly skeeball, ride the tram and finish off at Dumser's before heading home.

  9. Dumsers should take all their signs down all over O.C. and be ready to close all locations Oct. 31, never to return. Move all the equipment to the Jersey shore. There are plenty of miles of boardwalk there!

    OC can't see the forest for the trees anyway! Dumbest move ever!

  10. Come on, 2 other locations in OC (next to SEACRETS and at the north end). One is always open year round.

    Whether there's dirty politics/back room drug deals going on or not (haha), things change folks.

    Just a reminder when ELECTIONS come up for City FAIL seats - vote the ash/trash OUT!!!

    1. Let's reduce your pay by the same percentage that this family business stands to lose and see how much you agree with your previous comment. This town can't afford to lose jobs.

  11. Ocean City will lose an icon that has been around forever. Sad,everybody looses.

  12. A deal is a deal and they had 50 years to figure it out. And why are we so upset about a crappy ice cream place. Americans eat too much sugary garbage anyway.

    1. You are an idiot. Obviously it will become a few more parking spaces. Why does big govt get to own all the good land?

    2. dear anonymous, if you have guts enough to call it a crappy ice cream place and insult decades of families who enjoyed a sugary treat on vacation, and their memories, you should run for city council, and you should have guts enough to post your name!

  13. 2:30
    Is that you Judge C ?

  14. There is a petition to show your support and show up to the town hall meeting on Sept 5th http://www.savedumsers.org

  15. The town is showing complete disregard for preservation of historic icons.
    They just want $$$$$.

  16. said it before, been coming here since 60's and have watched memory after memory disappear, and city get less and less affordable to the blue collar tourists who are why it exists, we even had a condo, and boat for 25 years, but had to sell, just to expensive! the city needs to listen to people who are, "just tourists" because if the memories leave so will we! enjoy your ghost town!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We will never go over the bridge in to OC again if the city forces Dumser's to close this location.

    September 1, 2017 at 11:10 AM:

    With 300,000 people on that three mile stretch of island this weekend, I don't think one soul will miss you, and everyone will appreciate having one more parking space to fight over. But if you love an ice cream cone that much, you don't have to cross the bridge to start with, to enjoy a Dumser's ice cream cone on Rt 50 in West OC.

  18. If OC needs that real estate for putting up a parking garage, I am all for them tearing that Dumser's building down. Dumser's has invested their gains in two other locations in the OC area over the years. Closing that one cash cow will not put them out of business, and they knew that the day would come when they wouldn't have that OC property to use anymore. It never BELONGED to them to begin with.

  19. September 3, 2017 at 10:11 AM:

    Sorry, that should read "ten mile stretch"

  20. 1011 obviously isn't a business owner in OC. If he/she were are then they don't appreciate their customers and should go bankrupt for being an ungrateful ass. EVERY customer counts and the day you adopt 1011's idiot statement as fact, is the day you aren't fit to own your own business.

  21. 1016 good thing you don't sit on a bench making judicial decisions on things. You SUCK at it. Don't quit your day job!

  22. 11:08 AM:

    You are correct. And I don't give a hoot about OC business owners. But I do own a business, and I don't lease public land to run it.

  23. 11:10 AM:

    Tell Judge Cathell he sucks at it. He made the decision, not me. But I would have made the same decision, as Judge Cathell followed the law, like he always does. After all, he WAS an appellate Judge, before he retired from full time service. You can't possibly have the credentials to know more than Judge Cathell, concerning the law. So its a really good thing YOU don't sit on a bench, except to watch the tourists walk by.

  24. You know I don't have the credentials to be on the bench, how, 1151?

  25. 1145 ever heard of a term 'eminent domain'? You really think your business is on a property you own ultimately? Think again, Chief. Think. Again. Enjoy the rainbows & moonbeams.

  26. Here's the bottom line: Dumser's leased the land that the building stands on, from a business whose rights to use the land have expired. The original owners (OC) still own the land, and the leasor's rights have expired. OC has a better use for the land than some ice cream shop, and they are exercising their right to re-claim the land.

  27. 1200 your bottom line misses much. Dumsers is an icon in OC, so without it, there is the potential dip in revenue. Sure people still have Thrashers and Fishers but it can cause some habitual tourists to think twice about going back to OC because the city's lack of loyalty to businesses that put them on the map. Who will be next? Will Thrashers be bounced from the Inlet? Will Fishers be evicted by the mayor? Who knows but if I were either business, I'd move to another beach community. One that's more appreciative to the years of service to its businesses not one with such disregard.

  28. They have made plenty of Millions and Don't need to be in
    Business at all.......Don't feel sorry for them !!!!
    They will probably go to their Private Island for the winter

  29. They made Plenty of $$$$ on their Overpriced ice cream !!!
    See YA !!!

  30. One less reason to go to Ocean City now. Sad

  31. September 1, 2017 at 9:54 AM:

    All of Judge Cathell's rulings are published. They are called transcripts.

  32. That place sucks anyway. 50 years to figure it out, so that's their problem.


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