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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Hobby Lobby’s ‘offensive’ decoration has gone bonkers viral...

Daniell Rider, a Hobby Lobby consumer, found a decoration at one of their stores so offensive, she shared the image on Facebook requesting that they remove the decor from their shelves.

What was it?

Rider on Thursday shared a photo of a shelf with glass bottles containing what appear to be replicas of raw cotton plants.

She captioned the photo, “This decor is WRONG on SO many levels. There is nothing decorative about raw cotton… A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves.”

“A little sensitivity goes a long way,” she added. “PLEASE REMOVE THIS ‘decor.'”



  1. Good grief! It's a cotton plant! These neurotics are just looking for something to stir up more trouble.


  2. I was white back when I used to pick cotton. It don't worry me none!Bet it only worries the ones told not to like it,

  3. I'm inclined to ask Ms. Rider if she could go down to her local post office, find form I-D-10-T, so I could assist with her challenge!

    Help us all - anyone!

  4. Meh. I stopped shopping there years ago when they argued in court they didn't have to follow the law because of their Christian conscience... but their "conscience" stopped when it came to profits since everything in their store comes from Communist China, where Christianity is banned.

    Nope. No reason to buy from hypocrites.

    1. You better check all tge stores you buy from....freaking ridiculous reason you have to not buy from Hobby Lobby

    2. 2:52 but I bet you shop at Target don't you?

  5. What is this obvious liberal hoot shopping in Hobby Lobby anyway? She can get out & stay out! What a moron!

  6. If folks stop.playing victims, than they could get jobs.... Why not us Irish Americans start protesting our slavery? I am working though....guess I do not have all day to harass others.

    1. And what about the Italian Americans whose ancestors were treated like trash when they came to America! Where's our damn reparations, too?

  7. Don't mess with "the fabric of my life"
    Heads will roll!

  8. How about we replace her cotton underware with wool. We cant have cotton on the market it may offend others too.

  9. And what she wearing at the time? Cotton jeans and a cotton top over a cotton T-shirt, a cotton bandana, a cotton ball cap, cotton socks and underwear. When she gets home she'll sleep under cotton sheets and blanket, wearing cotton pajamas, after she dries off from her shower with a cotton towel while standing on a cotton bath rug, while all the time she never gives a moment's thought to cotton pickers.

  10. like I said when I first saw that post... the only crime here is how much they're charging for them...

  11. What's next Cotton Candy?

  12. I want to comment on this so bad.....but Joe doesn't allow that kind of language on this blog.

  13. Look snowflake get over yourself.

  14. God makes cotton every day, and it looks just like that when He's finished with it!

    What's the problem?

  15. You are intruding into my space. I love raw cotton balls. So leave me and my ilk alone. Keep the cotton balls.

  16. Too bad we cannot get them to at least work these days.

  17. Good Lord get over yourself and seek some counseling!

  18. Made in China. Slaves of the state pick the cotton there.

  19. Hmmm she might not want to come by for a visit then 🤔😁

  20. What a junk shop. Cotton is still being picked.

  21. I drive on route 50 thru DC and I see something so offensive I have to pull over and puke! It is a giant stone statue of a man that regularly bedded whores and fathered several illegitimate children. He was even investigated by the FBI, our leading law enforcement branch. A real genuine creep, criminal, and liar!
    I find it offensive, therefore, it needs to be taken down!

  22. The old saying-sticks and stones will break bones but names will never hurt me is gone now.
    todays saying is-statues of old dead guys and cotton ball twigs will break my bones and soros better pay me.
    Sorry Lynyrd Skynyrd the South ain't gonna do it again because Neil Youngs moved in next door and is on the city council. So its off the the trash heap of history?..so you cant Take me back to the Land of Cotton or look away look away Dixieland.
    Sarcasm off

  23. The old saying-sticks and stones will break bones but names will never hurt me is gone now.
    todays saying is-statues of old dead guys and cotton ball twigs will break my bones and soros better pay me.
    Sorry Lynyrd Skynyrd the South ain't gonna do it again because Neil Youngs moved in next door and is on the city council. So its off the the trash heap of history?..so you cant Take me back to the Land of Cotton or look away look away Dixieland.
    Sarcasm off

  24. 2:52 The part of the health care law forcing businesses to provide free birth control, including the morning after pill, was protested by Hobby Lobby and Catholic hospitals was not legal under our Constitution and the Supreme Court confirmed it, as they have other policies by Obama while he was in office.


  25. My ancestors had to pick polyester in the old country for their English masters. When the potato crops failed they came here and we have enjoyed wearing cotton ever since.

    The illiterates who take offense at cotton plants are also boycotting rice, indigo and tobacco if they want to score 100% on the 'I'm easily offended by crops I never touched' scale!

    Sheer nonsense.

  26. I wear cotton every day, and it's picked by,, well I really don't know who it's picked by. Just as I really don't know the color of my farmers who pick my soybeans, corn, wheat, oats, millet, barley, or cotton.

    I fail to understand why this is "offensive" any more than the New Orleans Saints harvest logo.

    God help us if "Harvest" become "racist" and illegal, we'd all starve!

    Where are these idiots coming from????

  27. Its a flowering plant, and no rational mind would call it's beauty offensive.

  28. Several generation ago, my ancestors grew cotton in NC and worked the fields and picked it themselves. They were white. They didn't use black labor because they couldn't afford them. The objector is delusional, if he thinks all cotton has always been picked by only black slaves. What a crackpot!

  29. People are going too far! Are they going to stop selling cotton now? How about Q-tips? How about cotton in pill bottles? Dr.'s Offices? I know this is a plant, but all this cotton came from somewhere.

  30. 10:29 PM - Don't forget sugar cane.

  31. My ancestors had to pick polyester in the old country...
    September 18, 2017 at 10:29 PM;

    Your comment is hilarious! Picking "polyester", a man-made fiber. That's rich.

  32. My right's don't end where her feelings begin.

  33. John Deere or Massey Ferguson probably picked it,,,I sure hope the writer never witnesses how/who catches all the chicken we all love so dearly...

  34. Dont by them and shut up. I am sick ad tired of hearing about racism. I am a white male and cannot get help. So there u go cause i am not black.

  35. If you are White, you will be picking this soon !!! LOL


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