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Sunday, September 03, 2017

GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

Nobody will be able to retreat to a neutral corner

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to protest and demand removal of a statue of Christopher Columbus. In all the major cities, the push to remove these statues along with protests continues.

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  1. WE are waiting on the side lines , I'm ready willing and very able with my entire family and a large family of police officers and x military. Let er roll snow flakes and antifa.

  2. Those of you who own the pee shooters like pistols will be the first to bite the dust. We who have been in the military have learned to kill crush and destroy the enemy , that would be the left . Easy pickins , but a little sad.

  3. I have faith that this news media will report comments that reflect our feeling about the post , let it happen.
    Having said that , it's time to stand your ground , these statues are just the beginning of a major assault from antifa . I will fight to the death to defend my country. That's a fact folks!!

  4. This dog will bite if you screw with him.

  5. I have 15,000/5.56 reasons why no-one wants to approach our family farm and that doesn't include the 4's, OO,slugs or close contact projectiles! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

  6. Maybe The HURRICANES are punishment to USA for all the
    Bad that is going on ......did anyone think of that ???

    1. 733 No I didn't think of that, because I'm not an idiot! Are you kidding?

    2. My thoughts exactly! Maybe God is trying to tell us something it's time for us to pull together not apart #

  7. 7:33...hold on a second....I'm gonna throw a handful of chicken bones on the pentagram and see if the spirits confirm your hypothesis.

  8. Whites will WIN !! ya'll better behave .........

  9. Do some research. Columbus was a POS. No problem with tearing his statue down.

  10. 8:33 This isn't white vs. anybody else; it's left vs. right. There are many non-whites who are with us, just like there are many whites on the other side.

  11. 8:46, please give up your link to your "Research". We'll wait right here.

  12. I wish Americans would calm down and stop buying into the globalists effort to create a civil war.
    The MSM works for the richest people on the planet. They are the international bankers.
    They want to "thin the herd". In their opinion, there are simply too many of us regular people (little people, or goyim).

    Don't buy into the MSM meme of right vs. left.
    These elites control BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum.

    I encourage you to take care of yourself and family / friends.
    Hunker down and prepare for the collapse of our society.
    It will happen sooner rather than later.

  13. The Eastern shore is about to Erupt.

  14. No, I don't believe a civil war is really brewing. The pictures of Antifa in San Francisco are just the left AND right wing nutcase extremists determined to start trouble. The real pictures of America can be seen in the pictures coming out of Houston. And I mean pictures not words. A black woman crying over a nursing home of mostly whites that is flooded. A boat with a black man and 2 white men patrolling the waters looking for people to rescue. A helicopter with blacks and whites both being pulled from the waters. This is the REAL America.

  15. I will never understand how & why this is being allowed.

  16. There won't be anymore civil wars here because the Govt will
    just Arrest and Jail However Many it takes to Stop it !!!!

    Govt has enough Control now to do it ....not like 1800's !!

  17. Our congress WANTS another civil war.

  18. 6:09 I'm with you. When do we start shooting? I don't want to be first, but don't want to be left out.

  19. Didn't we learn 160 years ago that the weaker faction shouldn't threaten civil war?

  20. Ok - perhaps it's time to dismantle these protest groups and arrest these people. The right to protest (for the continuation and preservation of the US) perhaps need to be taken away. Bring the National Guard in. Better yet, a war is coming with N. Korea - draft those worthless pieces of crap and send them to the front lines in the war. Perhaps they will love our country then.

  21. I think you fail to realize the depth of lazy in this country. I don't see a civil war. I see crime of opportunity and drugs destroying the country from the inside out. In order for there to be a civil war there has to be much more organization and agreement of thought which does not exist.


  22. It's Two Sets Of Laws that will start the fight.

    Gradually (and it's been happening for 100 years), the people will see that they are merely pawns. Make billionaires richer by working 40 hours for $10 an hour and getting evicted every year. Go to prison for what your leaders do as a regular effort. Watch your kids get off the plane with no arms while THEIR kid gets cheered at Harvard's latest graduating group of elitist future defense contract beneficiaries. And continually bang the war drums. For YOUR family.
    Meekly watch as they forcibly make you give up your money to fund their latest ideas. Then tell you that the money they robbed from you is already spent (BY THEM!!) and you are eating crackers for dinner (as they eat T-Bone and caviar) until you die.
    "Leaders" openly telling millions of Americans that they don't deserve to even live because they are racist, bigoted, small-minded, gun toting, Christian people who think they should have everything they work for without having to give up most of it to people who have more kids than they can afford and have never worked for anything.
    Being late for work because people who DON"T work have blocked the interstate to prove how racist you are....
    But ammo. History doesn't lie, but it is one hell of a prediction method.
    Keep cheering.

  23. Eastern Shore Boys (Rednecks) all ready and armed !!!!


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