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Sunday, September 03, 2017

MLK Statue Unveiled in Atlanta

A statue paying tribute to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. has been installed on the state Capitol grounds in Atlanta.

The unveiling of the statue on Monday comes more than three years after Georgia lawmakers endorsed the project.



  1. I bet they just had it made in the past 2 weeks and rushed to install it asap!!! Really? Y'all can't be that slow, can ya?

  2. How long before Democrats tear it down dressed as the klan so they can blame Republicans ? A lot of Black people voted for Trump and they know if they lose the Black vote they are done.

  3. Take it down, it offends so many of true Americans.

  4. In todays hostile environment, it probably won't last long.

  5. I am offending only because of the destroying of recent statues. So doesn't my feelings count. Put back the others or take this one down.

  6. Cover it! It offends me!

  7. MLK , who's that ?

  8. Must come down !!!!!!! Whites don't like it !!!

  9. This position is likely to unpopular on this site, but here goes...

    MLK should be honored. The man advocated peaceful change through marches, speeches, and boycotts. He fought for change and it was a righteous cause.

    Did you notice the key word? It was peaceful.

    Modern libs are anything but. Perhaps MLK would be a modern day Republican?


  10. It is my understanding MLK voted Republican, meaning he was probably registered as one before an outreach from JFK. Recall that the South was solidly run by Democrats and Jim Crow was in full effect.

    Most blacks have no idea of their past under the Democrats.

  11. We WHites Hate Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination)

    Take this away , then America can begin to Heal !!!!!!

  12. That offends me, I think it should come down.

  13. take it down. take it down. take it down.

  14. Tear it down he was a womanizer.

  15. Take it down now, it offends me.

  16. We white faithful husbands need to demand this be taken down. It offends us because he was never faithful to his wife. FBI files say he was with over 150 different women.

  17. He was CIA and that is exactly why it should be torn down.
    He ruined a perfectly good revolution.

  18. King was a womanizer and his favorite activity was beating up white prostitutes. He was involved in that activity the night a before he was killed. He was a total fraud and his death was no great loss to anyone. If you don't abelieve me, instead of swallowing the bull dung from the media, do some research and you will find that he was not what he was presented to be.

  19. Think about This. Removing the statues is NOT about the Confederacy. NOT about slavery. NOT about racism.


  20. I'm offended! Take the hummer down!!!!!

  21. How come when Whites want statue taken down >> Nobody cares
    Need a NAAWP folks .....wake up !!!!

  22. He EnSlaved the Whites in this country , so he is no better
    than the Confederates in Civil War , so why is his statue
    allowed ???

    Affirmative Action enslaved the whites .....period
    NO Equality until this is Thrown OUT !!!

  23. What he proposed, he was assassinated for, just like Lincoln. We cannot live together in peace and harmony in a colorblind society. Our government will not allow it. It takes from their corrupt power.

  24. 1139 can you take a break from the moonbeam travel for a moment to join us in a reality break? MLK and Lincoln comparisons are stupid. Lincoln only freed slaves to deport them back to Africa. He was assassinated before he got to carry this out in full but the ones he did manage to deport died in the colonies set up for them. If you knew American history you would know this fact. As for MLK, he was no saint. He took a lot of money to stay out of some southern cities so the manufacturing in those cities wouldn't be interrupted by marches and sit ins. Once again, learn history! Neither was a saint or a hero but they're both martyrs because they were assassinated. Had they lived to a rip old age their indiscretions would have been revealed and they wouldn't enjoy their current superstar status.

  25. If we're doing away with monuments and statues this one should be removed, too. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Either they all go down or none go down.

  26. By the way, MLK was a REPUBLICAN not a democrat. So was Lincoln.

  27. September 3, 2017 at 11:51 AM:

    Everything I commented is true, but just my opinion. I was in no way trying to give a history lesson. I stand by every word I said. Your comments are open to debate, just like mine. Your "history" is not taught in schools. Which makes my last sentence even more true. That is what I wanted a reader to take from my thoughts. You are like the government, trying to obtain some kind of benefit from perpetuating the wounds of the civil war. Lincoln screwed up, and he paid the price. MLK tried to put it all behind us, and he paid the price. Again, "Our government will not allow it. It takes from their corrupt power."


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