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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Frosh Joins Lawsuit Over DACA Decision

Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh on Monday said the state would join a suit over the Trump administration's decision to end a program that gives protection from deportation to young immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children or by parents who overstayed visas.

The California lawsuit's legal arguments largely mirror those already filed in a lawsuit last week by 15 other states and the District of Columbia.

Frosh is also joined by the attorney generals for Maine and Minnesota. The lawsuit alleges the Trump Administration violated the Constitution and other laws when it rescinded the program.



  1. Obama was outside the constitution when he started the whole thing.
    Maryland sucks

  2. The swamp is resisting being drained.

  3. can we have a recall on this idiot. An attorney general that doesn't understand the Constitution

  4. Maybe the illegals and those fighting should leave the country. Now, that sounds like a win win to me.

  5. another governor wannabe

  6. How can an Attorney General support law breakers?

  7. However he openly supported obama and clinton after they publicly campaigned on exactly what Sessions and Trump did... he is a grand standing pos and needs to use HIS OWN money to sue.

  8. Just getting his 15 minutes.

  9. Why dosent a lawyer thats worth their salt, charge this communist with derelict of duty. Would not only remove the chains and shame off Marylanders...but they'd likely find themselves most poplar to be voted in his replacement. Isnt there at least one that will protect the constitution and the principle law of the land?

  10. This turd should leave with them.

  11. He offends me - ban him!

  12. Hogan has little say in what happens in Maryland. Wonder what the "R" next to his name really means?

  13. It's not a law so how is it a right?

  14. Can someone explain to me why it is O.K. for law breakers to have access and protection from our government. Illegal immigrants are law breakers who are stealing benefits from this country. Their is no acceptable explantion on allowing illegal immigrants from living in this country. Politicans deem illegal and law breakers acceptable! If you want to come to this country; go thru the proper process. ALL illegal immigrants should be deported, as law breakers.

  15. I really wish all these liberal behinds would go home and shut up. They are illegal, how hard is that to understand? They are breaking the law by being here. Deport them now, do not wait, do it now.

  16. United we stand, divided we all FALL!

  17. Welcome to the peoples republic of md . This guy is such a loser but we are the real losers as he wastes our tax dollars to defend the destruction of our country and laws.

  18. Please punish md trump. Md needs to feel some federal job cuts.

  19. In all actuality, it was Obama that violated the constitution when he "enacted" DACA. Trump only rescinded that which was illegal. All these flaming liberal states will soon find out what is constitutional, and that which is not. It is amazing that these AG's know so little about the constitution, and act on politics, rather than the law of the land.

  20. DACA in and of it's self is unconstitutional and any judge worth his salt should be able to see that it was an end run around congress, who has sole constitutional power over immigration law. On top of which you cannot give amnesty to anyone not yet charged or indited of a crime. DACA is similar to granting amnesty to someone considering murder before they kill, meaning it is a license to kill
    (or commit a crime).

  21. Your Tax money at work


  22. Obama's pen and Trump's eraser mean we're back to where we started from. Illegal kids of illegal parents are still illegal no matter how long they've been here.

    Solution is straightforward: Get permission to immigrate and after proper time seek citizenship. Or, go away and head back home.


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