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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Bad Accident At Walston Switch Road & Rt. 50 (9-14-17)

There's been a very serious accident involving four cars and a motorcycle on Rt. 50 & Walston Switch Road. Rt. 50 is closed. 


  1. sorry to hear about the fatality. I got off bypass wanting to go east but it was closed at the stadium.

    1. 8:28, what does your comment add to this story? Again, why is everything all about YOU? So what, the roadway was closed. That is a given when there is a serious accident. This post informs everyone that there was a serious accident. People KNOW the road was temporarily closed. Nobody cares about you getting off the bypass and where you were trying to go!!! Seriously, read your comment and tell us, what does the comment add to the post? I'll tell you...NOTHING!! People are ridiculous. I just don't get why someone would come on here and make a comment like that. Everything is all about THEM!!!

    2. Wow 6:49 someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'll tell you what... go back and read your post and tell me what that has to do with the story cranky pants. The day has barely started and you are already being an a$$.

  2. And the chaos begins...

  3. motorcyclist also died in Somerset accident this afternoon

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And the chaos begins...

    September 14, 2017 at 8:37 PM

    Don't ya just love the wannabe smart asses making light of someone's death? Damn pukes. The old man made a mistake passing when he shouldn't have. How is that chaos?

  5. Bike week in OC. Wheeeee!

  6. 8:37 Three bad accidents. Three fatalities in less than a day.
    Yeah, that's chaos.

  7. September 15, 2017 at 6:49 AM

    more than yours does for starters.

  8. September 15, 2017 at 6:49 AM
    What does YOUR comment add to the "post"?

  9. sounds like someone has insecurity and jealousy issues lol on a blog yet

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:37 Three bad accidents. Three fatalities in less than a day.
    Yeah, that's chaos.

    September 15, 2017 at 6:19 AM

    well I guess if you ever saw a multiple car crash at the same location you would think the world was ending.

  11. wow someone has issues

  12. Like yours 8:28 lol

  13. This is not 8:28, but I went back to check the comment out. Gave condolences and advised of where the travel potion was closed.
    So 6:49....what is the rant about.You wrote a Readers Digest Version (condensed) about absolutely nothing. Maybe tomorrow you can experiment and take the whole pill. Hope you are feeling better now.

  14. 6:49 AM in the future we will get your approval on comment to ensure they pass what you deem acceptable.

  15. 649am - need more sleepy time there cupcake!

  16. Dead supported Hillary for Pres. so not much of a loss.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Dead supported Hillary for Pres. so not much of a loss.

    September 15, 2017 at 11:04 AM


  18. Was it a 25 year old female?

  19. September 15, 2017 at 6:49 AM

    What is your problem?

  20. The female riders are better then the men as far as being safe and courteous on the road.


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