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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Former NAACP President Asks School To Rescind DeVos Invite

Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Ben Jealous, sharply criticized the picking of the controversial Betsy DeVos, the U.S. Secretary of Education, as the University of Baltimore’s commencement speaker.

She is scheduled to give the keynote address for the event now set for December 18.

A rally was held in the Gordon Plaza on the campus of the UB at noon Monday to protest the selection of DeVos. The plaza is located at the intersection of Mount Royal and Maryland Avenues.

A monument to Edgar Allan Poe sits in the front of the plaza. About hundred students attended the rally. DeVos was appointed to her office by President Donald Trump.

Before Jealous’ comments, a number of the students also spoke out against her selection. The decision that gave DeVos the nod as a commencement speaker, was made by UB’s President Kurt Schmoke.



  1. It's so polite of these Commies to expose themselves and their Totalitarian ideals to make our voting process so much easier!


  2. This is just plain old racism.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. For crying out loud, she's the U.S. Secretary of Education! Don't you think that the Secretary of Education might have something relevant to say at a university commencement? It sounds completely as though this candidate has a problem with politics that are not his own.

  4. They just don't want speakers of a conservative bend.

  5. This candidate most likely has a problem with race.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 12, 2017 at 8:31 PM

    I wonder about these race baiting liberal activists. Whats the legitimate reason for denying DeVos to speak? Oh, is it because she was appointed by Trump? Oh, she must a "a Racist" or "Islamophobe" right? Ben Jealous is nobody and he is Jealous.

  7. He is part of the Muslim brotherhood


  8. Mrs. DeVos is Secy of Education, in a sense the highest education official in the country. In a normal world any college or university would be extremely fortunate and highly honored to have the Secy of Education visit let alone provide the commencement address.

    As might be expected, UB draws heavily from Charm City and environs for its student body. The achievement levels of Baltimore schools are well known, indeed. The students are upset, in part, because their university president Kurt Schmoke made the selection. He is a black man and was mayor of Charm City for 8 years, preceding OweMalley.

    Now to Mr. Jealous, and his affinity for a photo-op.

    Obama was a black man because his father was a married black Kenyan and his mother a white teen age college student. Ben Jealous is a black man because his father is a white man and his mother is black. Go figure!

    His parents were professionals and he was raised in very comfortable surroundings in CA. Got his BA from the same Columbia that slipped one to Obama; got his MA at Oxford same as the 'bury's own Jake.

    Jealous is now well up the food chain at a Venture Capital operation and does some teaching at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson grad school, apparently content with Wilson's well known racist (then and now) policies. IOW, against the man except when it comes to cashing a check.

    As for the UB students, because it is for the kids, they'd probably prefer a rapper of some sort as the speaker. Pretty sure bet a group of them will embarrass their university at the ceremony.

  9. "UB’s explanation for picking DeVos was given in a statement by its spokesman – Chris Hart. He said “the school has pursued a commitment to intellectual engagement and an array of opinions” over its 100 year history, and that the choice of DeVos as a speaker is an expression of that laudable goal."

    Sounds good to me, as opposed to coddling to Jealous and just 100 of a student population of over 3500. It's interesting to note that few of those 3500+ could even describe anything that the Secretary has done.

  10. DeVos only got appointed because she was a huge donor not because she knows anything about education. As a matter of fact I cannot think if anything she has done to help public education.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoSeptember 13, 2017 at 10:46 AM

      Really? Did you get that from the "reliable" fake news CNN? Well if thats the case, good for her. At least she donated her money instead of sucking money out of the Taxpayers like the other liberal "activists".

  11. The NAACP is a racist organization that scams tax payers out of money.

  12. At 6:28,
    You must be a teacher. Against the high and mighty teacher's unions, DeVos supports charter schools whose students are getting demonstrably better results. She is also putting a stop to the quashing of due process under guise of Title IX. She's not a liberal, therefore Jealous wants to shut down her speech. It's that simple, and you know it.


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