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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bannon on 60 Minutes: I Hold Bush Admin 'Geniuses' in 'Complete Contempt'

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon blasted the “geniuses” in former President George W. Bush’s administration for selling out American workers and getting the country stuck in the Middle East in a 60 Minutes interview with CBS anchor Charlie Rose.

Bannon took offense at establishment Republicans associated with the Bush administration who went out of their way to question President Donald Trump’s competence during the 2016 campaign even though nearly all of their “genius” ideas—like Paul Wolfowitz’s brand of nation-building and neoconservatism—turned out to be disastrous.

“I hold these people in contempt, total and complete contempt,” Bannon told Rose, adding that the former Bush administration officials get him riled up with anger like nothing else. “They’re idiots, and they’ve gotten us in this situation, and they question a good man like Donald Trump.”

Bannon blasted “the geniuses in the Bush administration that let China in the W.T.O.,” and reminded Rose that the “genius in the Bush administration told us, ‘Hey, they’re going to be a liberal democracy. They’re going to be free-market capitalism.’ The same geniuses that got us into Iraq.”



  1. But it wasn't stupid or illogical decisions that got the US Nation into this predicament.
    It was planned conspiracy against the American People. Criminal war crime behavior.
    And American citizens are still volunteering to die in these wars for profit, based on lies.

  2. I didn't know much about Bannon at the start of this but quickly got the sense that he was the only one surrounding Trump who could be trusted. That assumption is proving more and more correct every day.

  3. I like Steve Bannon he tells it like it is just like Trump. WE need more people like him especially in the media, and congress could use a whole lot of people who should forget the BS and just be honest for a change.


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