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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Army Reserve reprimands soldier who spoke in uniform at Ron Paul rally

IOWA CITY, Iowa – A soldier who went on national television in his military fatigues to endorse Ron Paul's presidential campaign after the Iowa caucuses has been reprimanded but not dismissed from the Army Reserve, a spokeswoman said Friday.

The Army determined that Jesse D. Thorsen violated policies that bar soldiers from participating in political events in their official capacities or while in uniform. Experts say a reprimand may become a problem if Thorsen seeks a promotion or could be used to justify more serious punishment if he gets in trouble again.

U.S. Army Reserve spokeswoman Angel Wallace said a letter of reprimand was placed in Thorsen's official personnel file. Thorsen, who learned of the punishment following a two-month investigation, declined comment when reached by email. His supporters praised the news on a Facebook page dedicated to him, noting it could have been worse.

Thorsen, 28, showed up in his uniform Jan. 3 to Paul campaign's caucus night celebration at a suburban Des Moines hotel ballroom. There, he gave a live interview with CNN saying he supported Paul's plans "when it comes to bringing the soldiers home" because he'd served for a decade in the military during wartime.

CNN cut off the interview after technical difficulties and some Paul supporters accused the network of silencing Thorsen. Paul then called him to the stage so he could finish his thoughts before giving remarks after finishing a close third in Iowa's first-in-the-nation Republican presidential nominating contest.

"We don't need to be picking fights overseas. And I think everybody else knows that too," Thorsen said while on stage. He said being with Paul was "an incredible moment ... like meeting a rock star" and urged supporters to organize to make sure Paul was elected president.

The military's reaction was swift.



  1. But you can use your uniform to self promote your destruction of the Constitution like our Boy Mayor does in all his selfies.

  2. Yeah, you can't do that...

  3. 7:18, you bring a great point up! Has Jake the Flake Beaver Boy violated protocol by posing in uniform?

    Inquiring minds want to know!


  4. I just feel genuinely sorry for any and all who enlisted in the military and who have any contact with Jerk Day while they are on duty. Perhaps there should be a special campaign ribbon for them, like his beach towel flag.

  5. It should be a medal, with clusters, if you know what I mean.

  6. Yeah well it's the Army reserve. What did you expect? If you want standards that are actually enforced and/or respected you would have a better chance with the Salvation Army.

    -Salvation Army Combat Veteran
    One tour Fruitland Walmart
    Two tours North Sby Walmart
    Bell Ringer Award with Mugged by shopper Device


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