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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Florida will be hotter than hell after Irma turns off AC

First the squalls, then the swelter.

Nearly a million Miami-area residents lacking electricity and air conditioning are bracing for oppressively hot weather on the heels of Hurricane Irma.

Almost three-quarters of Florida Power and Light’s 1.1 million customers in Miami-Dade County have no power, and officials are warning it could be weeks before electricity is restored, according to a Sun-Sentinel report.

And temperatures are set to soar: Sweltering air and humidity are expected to broil Miami with a heat index as high as 108 degrees over the next four days, according to AccuWeather.

Boca Plaza hotel owner John Wagner was opening up his inn to Florida Light and Power workers Monday, hoping that would get the juice flowing faster.

“We put them up when needed,” he told The Post. “Maybe they’ll get power back here sooner.”



  1. Florida is a major example of how man cannot go without creature comforts. Get your blankest and quilts out for winter power outages.

  2. At least they're close to the beach.

  3. I don't want to hear a single Floridian complain about the hurricane. They made the choice to live there.....Deal with it. Just like a person moves to North Dakota. Don't complain about the cold and snow. Or move to Kansas and complain about tornados.

    1. I don't care where you live, being without power for a week or longer is going to suck.

    2. Deal with what moron???? The destruction of people's homes? I live in Naples having left the shore 5 years ago....sure I knew what could happen...I'm lucky.... family is ok nothing damaged...no power for possibly weeks...I feel for the people who weren't lucky...who won't financially afford to continue on...it's very easy for you cold hearted people to make your jokes and comments....WE will come back...no matter what Delmarva does it will continue to crash and burn...we may be down here but hardly out....sure it sucks with out power...our mayor calls each and every resident everyday with an update on what is being done to help us...sure it's automated but it's his voice....is like to see OC come back so fast....all of our food stores and Walmart are up and running...we have gas...all within 24 hrs of the storm making landfall...the shore would have to point fingers first...remember Delmarva one day it will be you....and your elected officials can't even keep a company in the area....

  4. Poor people. I pray that things improve soon with the electric.

  5. Wait! Al Gore says that when you reduce your carbon footprint the climate will get cooler. No power equals less carbon emissions.

  6. 503 - maybe a One-A-Day Couples pack will turn that frown upside down?

    (snicker snicker)

  7. So true Anon 9:23 PM!! From the sounds of it, I might know who you are! If so then that is a good thing. I'm glad to hear that you guys are OK.

    1. As of tonight the town of Naples has about 65% of its power back...just got my automated call from the mayor with updates...paradise while a little bruised is going to be just fine....so just 72 hours after the biggest storm to hit the country crashed into our town we are up and running....and not one finger pointed...we all are going to be ok in time....so those of you who find it funny to take shots at other people remember..one day it will be you...and there won't be much to recover......don't worry about Florida...just like Texas...we got this....


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