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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Mr. President, They’re Never Going To Like You Der

Donald Trump enjoys being liked. When he gets favorable poll numbers he is quick to cite it. When he gets unfavorable poll numbers he is quick to cite the best numbers in it or, if there aren’t any in it, ignore it completely. That’s politics and to be expected. But polls are one thing, being liked by politicians is another. And that’s where there is a lot of room for trouble.

President Trump this week cut a deal with Congressional Democrats on funding for Hurricane Harvey relief and raising the debt ceiling for 3 months. Yes, you read that right – the Republican president cut a deal with Congressional Democrats. The problem is Democrats don’t control Congress.

The scene was reported this way, “President Donald Trump surprised the leaders of his own party in Congress on Wednesday when he backed a deal pushed by Democrats to attach hurricane relief money to a shorter-term bump in the debt ceiling as well as keeping the government open, cutting off his own Treasury secretary to strike a deal.”

Conservatives wanted a longer deal than 3 months and concessions on spending to address the debt ceiling. They got none of it, nor did they get any say in the deal the president cut with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

Schumer and Pelosi were happy, which should worry everyone.

On Air Force One later in the day, the president told reporters, “We discussed that also today, and Chuck and Nancy would like to see something happen, and so do I. And I said if we can get something to happen, we’re going to sign it and we’re going to make a lot of happy people.”



  1. The only poll that matters is the one on election day, Trump would be better off spending his time going after voter fraud and cleaning up voter registration to get illegals off the books as well as the deceased.

  2. With the Republicans back-stabbing him at every opportunity, I would say he did the right thing to take care of the hurricane victims FIRST and push the other problems down the road. If he depended on the repubs NOTHING would get done.

  3. There are few things I hope get done in 2018 and that's to get rid of McConnell and Paul Ryan and some other Rino traitors who won't back our president.

  4. He had to. As bad as they bashed Bush for his Katrina response the press would have gone on an all out attack against him for any delay in recovery efforts. He beat them to the punch.

  5. Jealousy has been around long before the good president.


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