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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Chelsea Clinton’s Nasty Response To Trump Helping Harvey Victims Backfires BIG TIME

There is something seriously wrong with Chelsea Clinton. While President Trump and First Lady Melania were in Houston, they comforted a lot of people. They hugged children and passed out food. It was a warming and great sight to see. I wasn’t alone… many Americans were truly heartened to see their President help out common people in their time of need. Not Chelsea Clinton, who is just dumb as a box of freaking rocks and evidently illiterate to boot. She pounced on President Trump because of a simple tweet he sent out. Personally, I think she’s just too dense to understand it, but that’s just me. She is petty and childish… in other words, she takes after her mother.

The situation in Houston is about as dire as it gets. The President showed true leadership during the emergency that was Hurricane Harvey. “It’s been very nice. It’s been a wonderful thing. It’s – as tough as this was, it’s been a wonderful thing. I think even for the country to watch and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful. Have a good time everybody, I’m going to be doing a little help over here.”



  1. I remember reading something during the campaign that Chelsea was reportedly a brat when her father served in the White House and that was by members of the White House staff that she was rude, spoiled, and a real brat---so no surprise here, apple didn't fall far from that tree so apparently she is also dumb as her mother as well.

  2. What do you expect from a love child between Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton ?

  3. Chelsea trying to stay relevant

  4. Instead of worrying about the President Chelsea would best be served by practicing some personal hygiene. One look at her and it's obvious she is smelly. Her teeth are yellowed. Her hair is always without fail greasy and her face looks like an oil slick. She was not blessed with good looks so she at least needs to keep herself clean.

  5. Ugly must be in that girl's genes and jeans!

  6. Don't you know that Chelsea is the face model for the Democrat Mule?
    They had to look hard but they found her to fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. You can bet your butt Chelsea Clinton will be running for the senate as soon as a seat in a solid blue state comes open and her theme will be just like Ted Kennedy, I can do more for you.

  8. Chelsea has never been relevant, except in her own mind.

  9. Pick up a copy of Mad Magazine and tell me that not Alfred's twin sister.


  10. She got whacked pretty hard with the ugly stick due to her parentage. And it seems she was more of a prop for her parent's ambitions than a cherished child. A certain amount of entitled brat might be expected for a while in childhood and teen years. But she hasn't outgrown it, and having given birth a couple of times she may wish she had.

    Apparently enough is squirreled away from the criminals on both sides of her family that she can continue her princess lifestyle. Vapid is the term that best identifies her forays online.

    Kind of like Jake with a slightly better hairstyle.

  11. She's got a face only a mother could love... too bad her mother is not capable of that emotion.

  12. We were told Hillary bought the house next door for her and the grandchildren. Now Hillary says that she bought it for the SS to stay in when she became pres. HaHa! The plan all along was to get the people to pay for the house by renting it back to SS (just like Uncle Joe did).


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