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Friday, September 08, 2017

Brace Yourselves For IMPACT- Illegal Alien Sitcoms Headed To CBS And CW

Just when you thought that things couldn’t get anymore SJW-level cringey in the United States, activist actors have to prove you wrong.

Now that the idea of deportation is in the news thanks to Trump’s DACA decision, liberals, progressives, and bleeding-heart activists are coming out of the woodwork to attempt to “humanize” illegal aliens and DACA recipients. To this end, Gina Rodriguez is developing two new shows that feature undocumented families as a way to normalize breaking the law and hiding from justice. Because that’s what our children need, role models who completely disregard order because “muh feelz.”

The shows, entitled Have Mercy and Illegal (not exactly subtle) focus on illegal aliens who are struggling to achieve their full potential in the United States.

Have Mercy will air on CBS, and stars a Latina doctor who cannot practice medicine after immigrating to Miami. After being denied the RIGHT to pursue her life’s passion, the aforementioned doctor gets to work in a shabby, makeshift clinic as a way to give back to her community. How heartwarming.

Illegal, in contrast, stars a teenage boy who is struggling to come to terms with his family’s status as illegal immigrants while also staying in school, making good grades, and dealing with puberty and all of the wonderful things that accompany being a teenager.

Rodriguez, who is known for her role on Jane The Virgin, also issued a series of profanity-laced tweets about DACA and President Trump. Because class is overrated.



  1. in a commercial for a new show some black guy is heard saying, "is Caucasian a color"?
    I won't be watching that white bashing crap show.

  2. You are so correct 12:55 and I turn the sound off or change the station before he gets it out. In fact before the white clown says e-reptile dysfunction. Just glancing at the post there is a mention of "Jane The Virgin". I wouldn't watch a second of that just because of the stupid name. Television has gone to hell and my wife claims there is not much left for me to view. That is fine, I have the Music Choice where I can listen to what I prefer. If I have to get rid of cable, that's fine also.

  3. A bonafide doctor would have no issues getting into the USA.

  4. I have an OFF button and I'm not afraid to use it.

  5. Aren't there enough Hispanic channels already?

    (snicker/smirk; snicker/smirk)

  6. Most dr are brown skin immigrants. I never thought about it or cared. Liberals have racism on their minds 24/7 because they are the real racist.


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