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Friday, September 08, 2017

Poem That Says God Is A “LIE” Assigned To Middle Schoolers- Parents OUTRAGED

Having a political and social agenda is no new concept to public schools. They get away with their progressive, Marxist idealism all the time throughout the country. But did one school take it too far now? Was their anti-God agenda just way too blatant for parents of students to ignore? The culprit of this weeks public education debacle is a poem.

This poem was titled “Unicorn,” and the opening of Unicorn just might make you just as upset as these parents were: “God is like a mythical creature / A unicorn with silver blood / If you drink the blood you will live forever / It makes a good story in a book like Harry Potter …”

“Unicorn” then takes it even further by declaring that God “is revealed in all his foolishness / a naked lie / a childish dream / a mythical creature like the unicorn.”



  1. and it's crap poetry, too. Public school is child abuse

  2. And this is why so many private Christian schools have grown and grown through the years.

  3. In a situation like this the teacher must be addressed directly trying to deal with these people logically is a failed exercise.

  4. If you're going to teach that tripe, then you must be required to teach Christianity and all other religions.

    I thought we had been through this 50 years ago, which destroyed all morals in our Society.

    So, I say, bring religions back to school right away; ALL of them! Call it a Moral Values class.

  5. Drop ALL reference to religion in any form for or against, it has no place in public education. Recognize it's existence as very personal and family matter and let it go at that.


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