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Friday, September 08, 2017

Left Wanting To Punish Americans For Their Heritage, While Rewarding Obama’s ‘Dreamers’

One man’s DREAMer is an other man’s night terror.
There are a lot of theories floating around as to why President Obama allowed the original DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals) to earn his signature. The DREAMers, as they are known, are supported by a marketing-friendly name and may have been put in place simply to kick the can down the line and force the next President to make an inflammatory decision.
Even the name, DACA, with its Deferred qualification confirms that it was never meant to be a permanent policy, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Raheem Kassam.

"Dreamers" are "not responsible for actions of their parents." But today's whites owe reparations because of yesterday's whites?!?


  1. I'm tired of being blamed for history that I had no part in. Just because I am white I have to pay. For what? Move on

  2. Yes, you look illegal. Show me your social security card and Citizenship papers!


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