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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Outcry after officer confiscates California hot dog vendor's money

BERKELEY, Calif. -- A video showing a University of California, Berkeley police officer ticketing a hot dog vendor, rifling through his wallet and confiscating his money has caused an outcry across social media.

CBS San Francisco reports the incident happened on Saturday outside of a university football game.

Martin Flores says he was buying food for his children and turned on the camera when an officer stopped the vendor to ticket him for selling food without a permit.

The video shows the officer taking the vendors wallet, and the man pleading in Spanish for his "dinero," meaning money.

Flores can be heard off-camera saying, "That's not right … you're going to take his hard-earned money?"



  1. It's such a shame this World
    has come down to "Who Can You Trust?

  2. It's Berkeley! Silly goose! Don't you know this is a Communist City? You either take our crap or you move the F out! F you!

  3. Im beginning to see business licenses as equivalent to paying mob protection money. Don't pay and the government will come bust up your stand and take your money. Pay and they ruff up your competition who is not paying their protection dues.
    Cop probably put that cash right into his wallet, no report filed.

    1. so I would do the same thing but can't because of polygraphs and don't want to lose my kick butt pension I will be getting soon. Now what?

    2. 958 your okay with HUMAN TRAFFICKING, ILLEGAL ALIENS and CONTAMINATED FOOD? Now because people like YOU donating large amounts of money he gets a free lawyer and can't be deported because he is in a sanctuary city.. explain again who is the MOB in this particular case??

  4. CBS..COMMUNIST BULL S...T station. Why didn't Flores pull $60 of his money and give it to the vendor himself. he starts a go fund me site for all the idiots selling FOOD without a license.

  5. If he had applied for and gotten a license, the chance that he'd ever be inspected by the health department (what the license fee is for) is about 1 in 50.

  6. 832 ur kick butt pension won't be worth much when the state county city goes to court to have ur benefit reduced because it's been underfunded. Let me know how that works out for u, jackass!

  7. well it is cali and everyone's property is not their own so there's that


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